美国评估:朝鲜核攻击危险很低 – DW – 2013年3月12日
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GettyImages 161501149 South Korean passengers watch TV news reporting North Korea's apparent nuclear test, at the Seoul train station on February 12, 2013. North Korea's apparent nuclear test had an explosive yield of between six and seven kilotons, South Korea's defence ministry said, revising its earlier estimate of 10 kilotons or more. Ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok said seismic monitors had detected a tremor with a 4.9 magnitude emanating from the North's nuclear test site. AFP PHOTO / KIM JAE-HWAN (Photo credit should read KIM JAE-HWAN/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

据法新社报道,尽管平壤发出严厉威胁,美国情报部门评估认为,朝鲜发动核攻击的危险很低。美国国家情报总监克拉珀(James Clapper)周二在提交国会的年度报告中表示,朝鲜核武库的作用是“威慑、国际地位和外交施压工具”。报告称,朝鲜金正恩政权只有在生存受到威胁时才会对美国及其盟军动用核武器。但报告同时指出,从朝鲜的角度看,这一界限在何处,美国无从判断。自从2月初最新的核试验以来,朝鲜领导层的语调明显更为强硬。鉴于联合国安理会新的制裁措施,平壤威胁对美国实施核打击,并同时宣布与韩国的停火协议失效。