美國評估:北韓核攻擊危險很低 – DW – 2013年3月12日
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GettyImages 161501149 South Korean passengers watch TV news reporting North Korea's apparent nuclear test, at the Seoul train station on February 12, 2013. North Korea's apparent nuclear test had an explosive yield of between six and seven kilotons, South Korea's defence ministry said, revising its earlier estimate of 10 kilotons or more. Ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok said seismic monitors had detected a tremor with a 4.9 magnitude emanating from the North's nuclear test site. AFP PHOTO / KIM JAE-HWAN (Photo credit should read KIM JAE-HWAN/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

據法新社報導,儘管平壤發出嚴厲威脅,美國情報部門評估認為,北韓發動核攻擊的危險很低。美國國家情報總監克拉珀(James Clapper)周二在提交國會的年度報告中表示,北韓核武庫的作用是「威懾、國際地位和外交施壓工具」。報告稱,北韓金正恩政權只有在生存受到威脅時才會對美國及其盟軍動用核武器。但報告同時指出,從北韓的角度看,這一界限在何處,美國無從判斷。自從2月初最新的核試驗以來,北韓領導層的語調明顯更為強硬。鑑於聯合國安理會新的制裁措施,平壤威脅對美國實施核打擊,並同時宣佈與韓國的停火協議失效。