西葡民众抗议政府减缩计划 – DW – 2012年9月30日
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People shout slogans during a protest in Lisbon against austerity September 29, 2012. Thousands of Portuguese protested on Saturday against austerity, stepping up their opposition to the country's 78-billion-euro bailout ahead of new spending cuts and tax hikes to be announced in the government's 2013 draft budget. The peaceful protest organized by the CGTP union came after the centre-right government ignited widespread anger this month with a hike in social security taxes that threatened to end Portugal's so far high social acceptance for austerity. REUTERS/Jose Manuel Ribeiro (PORTUGAL - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT)
里斯本周六的抗议场面图像来源: Reuters

葡萄牙和西班牙分别有数万名民众走上街头,抗议各自政府的大规模减缩计划。葡萄牙CGTP工会在里斯本发起的示威集会的口号是:"反对盗窃退休金和工资!"工会主席卡洛斯(Armenio Carlos)在演讲中指出,"希腊的例证说明,欧盟和国际货币基金的奴役会导致怎样的后果。"在马德里民众在议会前举行了第三次示威集会,以表达他们对政府提高赋税,缩减开支的不满。鉴于西班牙和葡萄牙债台高筑,上述两国均不得不向国际借贷方作出种种承诺和让步。上述两国的失业率均非常高。