西班牙和葡萄牙爆发抗议 – DW – 2013年2月17日
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Protesters hold placards during a demonstration demanding a new mortgage law, in Barcelona February 16, 2013. Spain's parliament agreed on Tuesday to debate reforms to tough mortgage laws, the focus of bitter protests in the country's economic crisis, after activists presented an petition with close to 1.5 million signatures. Public pressure on Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to change mortgage rules has mounted as banks have repossessed 400,000 properties - most of them residential - since 2008 when a construction bubble burst and the unemployment rate spiraled up to 26 percent. REUTERS/Albert Gea (SPAIN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS REAL ESTATE)
西班牙爆发抗议图像来源: Reuters

(法新社/德新社/美联社)在西班牙和葡萄牙,成千上万人上街游行,抗议该国日益恶化的社会环境以及政府的财政紧缩措施。在西班牙首都马德里,数千名游行示威者抗议政府强制清空房屋,要求实行社会福利住房政策。在西班牙其它近50个城市也有类似抗议活动。自经济危机开始,由于业主无力偿还房屋抵押贷款,西班牙约有35万户居民被强制迁离。在葡萄牙首都里斯本的街上,同样有成千上万手举横幅的示威者,抗议主要针对去年以来大幅削减的工资和养老金,以及今年新出台的空前高的赋税政策 。