“苏丹向叙反对派提供中国武器” – DW – 2013年8月14日
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In this image released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, a Syrian forces tank fires during a battle against the Syrian rebels at an unidentified location in Latakia province, Syria, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2013. Prominent Syrian opposition figures are presenting a plan for a political transition should President Bashar Assad's government fall. (AP Photo/SANA) IMAGE RELEASED BY THE SYRIAN OFFICIAL NEWS AGENCY SANA. AP PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS PUBLICLY DISTRIBUTED HANDOUT BY SANA PHOTO TO BE USED ONLY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE.
图像来源: picture-alliance/AP Photo/SANA



--- A Syrian forces tank moving along a road during clashes with the Syrian army defectors, in the Rastan area in Homs province, central Syria, on Monday Jan. 30, 2012. Syrian forces heavily shelled the restive city of Homs on Monday, and troops pushed back dissident troops from some suburbs on the outskirts of Damascus in an offensive trying to regain control of the capital's eastern doorstep, activists said. (Foto:AP/dapd) In this Friday, April 6, 2012 photo, Free Syrian Army fighters try to spot a sniper during fighting with Syrian troops in a suburb of Damascus, Syria. Syrian government shelling and offensives against rebel-held towns killed dozens of people across the country on Saturday, activists said, as the U.S. posted online satellite images of troop deployments that cast further doubt on whether the regime intends to comply with an internationally sponsored peace plan. (Foto:AP/dapd)
对立方武器来源不断是叙利亚内战得以持续的一大原因图像来源: AP



Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir waves to supporters after receiving victory greetings at the Defence Ministry, in Khartoum April 20, 2012. South Sudan said on Friday it would withdraw its troops from the disputed Heglig oil region more than a week after seizing it from Sudan, pulling the countries back from the brink of a full-blown war. Sudan quickly declared victory, saying its armed forces had "liberated" the area by force as thousands of people poured onto the streets of Khartoum cheering, dancing, honking car horns and waving flags. REUTERS/ Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah (SUDAN - Tags: MILITARY CONFLICT POLITICS) Generalleutnant Umar Hasan Ahmad al-Baschir (arabisch ‏عمر حسن أحمد البشير‎, DMG ʿUmar Ḥasan Aḥmad al-Bašīr; * 1. Januar 1944 in Hosh Bannaga bei Schandi, Sudan) ist der Staatspräsident des Sudan, der 1989 nach einem unblutigen Militärputsch an die Macht kam und das Land nach einer islamisch-fundamentalistischen Haltung regiert. Seit 1993 ist al-Baschir Staatspräsident.
苏丹总统巴希尔图像来源: Reuters


以中国为代表,亚洲国家多年来明显加强了在非洲的存在,让包括德国在内的西方国家企业感觉受排挤。鉴于自然资源、人口资源丰富的非洲对全球经济未来的意义,德国经济界呼吁改变这一局面。德国经济界非洲联合会新近要求在即将举行的大选后大幅调整对外经济政策,更重视非洲。8月14日一期的《商报》“经济与政治栏目”上的一篇文章援引德国经济界非洲联合会主席利宾(Stefan Liebing)报道称,为改变目前的被动状态,德国须向中国学习,向非洲国家提供全面解决方案,而非单个产品:


Karte Afrika. DW-Grafik: Per Sander 2010_06_01_afrika.psd
图像来源: DW

