艾未未再次批评中国政府 – DW – 2013年11月5日
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Dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei stands at the yard of his studio in Beijing, May 22, 2013. Ai made his first foray into the musical world on Wednesday with the release of the top single from his debut album, a song called "Dumbass" that takes inspiration from his detention in 2011. The video for the heavy metal song, which was directed by Ai with cinematography by acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Doyle, depicts Ai's 81 days in secretive detention in 2011, which sparked an international outcry. REUTERS/Petar Kujundzic (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY)

中国艺术家、政府批评人士艾未未在为斯德哥尔摩电影节录制的视频致词中再次批评中国当局。他在视频中说,尽管他是评委会成员,但因北京对他下达的旅行禁令不能前往斯德哥尔摩电影节。他因此向电影节寄去了一把他设计的椅子,让空椅子代表他。他希望以此让人们清楚地看到中国政府如何肆无忌惮地限制言论自由、旅行自由和基本人权。他如今依然生活在某种形式的软禁中,当局迄今扣留着他的护照。艾未未也是今年11月9日举行的柏林墙倒塌国际会议的嘉宾。他将通过网络视频和冰岛艺术家伊莱亚森(Olafur Eliasson)一起介绍一个言论自由电子平台。