“多数中国消费者感觉新款iPhone太贵” – DW – 2013年9月12日
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CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 10: The new iPhone 5S is displayed during an Apple product announcement at the Apple campus on September 10, 2013 in Cupertino, California. The company launched the new iPhone 5C model that will run iOS 7 is made from hard-coated polycarbonate and comes in various colors and the iPhone 5S that features fingerprint recognition security. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images

(德国之声中文网)根据苹果公司日前公布的一项出售计划,最新款iPhone 5C和5S定于本月20日开售,中国在首批9个开售国家中榜上有名。这是中国首次获此“殊荣”,凸现中国消费市场的重要意义。9月12日一期的《南德意志报》“经济”栏目上的一篇署名文章指出,新款iPhone的价格过高,让数百万中国消费者失望:


A photographer holds up a new iPhone 5S to take a photo of it at Apple Inc's announcement event in Beijing, September 11, 2013. Apple Inc's millions of Chinese fans will celebrate the near-simultaneous launch of the latest iPhone in China and the United States, but one group will have little to cheer - the smugglers. An early launch of Apple's latest smartphone in China is expected to stifle a thriving grey market worth billions of dollars a year built around smuggling from Hong Kong, where in the past the U.S. tech giant's gadgets have gone on sale months before they reach official channels in the mainland. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
图像来源: Reuters



Journalists take photos of a new iPhone 5S during Apple Inc's announcement event in Beijing, September 11, 2013. Apple Inc's millions of Chinese fans will celebrate the near-simultaneous launch of the latest iPhone in China and the United States, but one group will have little to cheer - the smugglers. An early launch of Apple's latest smartphone in China is expected to stifle a thriving grey market worth billions of dollars a year built around smuggling from Hong Kong, where in the past the U.S. tech giant's gadgets have gone on sale months before they reach official channels in the mainland. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: MEDIA BUSINESS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
图像来源: Reuters



“分析家们曾预期,苹果此次会以比iPhone 5S低得多的价格推出iPhone 5C,以便在中国这样的新兴市场获得新的购买群体。但是,iPhone 5C一点都不便宜,……

CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 10: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks about the new iPhone 5C during an Apple product announcement at the Apple campus on September 10, 2013 in Cupertino, California. The company launched the new iPhone 5C model that will run iOS 7 is made from hard-coated polycarbonate and comes in various colors. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images


