卢森堡:联合国下周提交叙化武报告 – DW – 2013年9月11日
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U.N. vehicles transporting a team of United Nations chemical weapons experts arrive in Damascus August 18, 2013. A team of United Nations chemical weapons experts, led by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, arrived in Damascus on Sunday to investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war. President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels fighting him have accused each other of using chemical weapons, a step which the United States had said would cross a "red line" in a conflict which has killed 100,000 people.The U.N. team, including weapons experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, will try to establish only whether chemical weapons including sarin and other toxic nerve agents were used, not who used them. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT)
图像来源: Reuters


卢森堡政府预期,联合国核查小组关于叙利亚境内“8.21”化武袭击事件的报告将于下周一(9月16日)公布。卢森堡外交大臣阿塞尔伯恩今天在德国电台上表示,根据他得到的信息,相关报告将于下周一提交。卢森堡目前拥有联合国安理会非常任理事国的身份。阿塞尔伯恩强调,俄罗斯必须对阿萨德政权施加影响,“普京必须施压”, 促使该国际尽快加入国际禁止化学武器公约。这位卢森堡外交大臣同时呼吁美国和俄罗斯,在安理会寻求应对叙利亚冲突的共同立场。他强调,有关化武的讨论不能被叙国内灾难性的人道境况所转移。