北京推出环保应急方案 – DW – 2013年10月25日
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A guard stands in front of the Tiananmen during severe smog in Beijing, China, 12 January 2013. Beijing was hit by its worst smog in almost a year. Exacerbated by heavy fog, the dense, choking smog that had blanketed the capital for the better part of the past fortnight plunged to a new low yesterday morning. Although the capital is often hit by smog in winter, the past two weeks have seen one of the longest stretches of smoggy days in Beijing in years. Pollution readings, including those for the smog-inducing fine particles known as PM2.5, from the local environmental watchdog and the US embassy were well in severely polluted or hazardous levels for most of Thursday night and Friday morning.
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


A heavy haze of smog hangs over China's capital as traffic runs along a major thoroughfare in Beijing, China, 25 July 2008. Air pollution in China's capital still remains a major concern for the upcoming Olympics despite the recent introduction of a series of measures to improve Beijing's air quality. The measures include traffic regulations aimed at reducing the number of vehicles on the roads by 60-70 per cent according to state media as well as closing several factories and adding new subway lines. EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL +++(c) dpa - Report+++
严重雾霾天气时北京车辆将限行图像来源: picture-alliance/ dpa




不过,一些省市也在采取相关措施。4个地区已经承诺,将在2017年之前,在目前的基础上将燃煤量减少60%。北京则制定行动计划,决心将微尘颗粒污染减少25%。 中央政府将投资约50亿人民币治理空气污染。绿色和平组织的黄薇表示,所有这些措施鼓舞人心,但是仍有很多问题悬而未决。她说,中国历来是下很大的决心,但最大的问题是很少落实。无论是50亿的环保投资还是环保行动计划,都必须接受公共审查,监督落实情况。非政府组织和非国营机构应该参与审查工作。

Visitors wearing masks are seen at the Tiananmen Square in heavy smog in Beijing, China, 28 February 2013. Beijing warned residents to stay indoors as air pollution exceeded hazardous levels five days before Chinas national legislature begins its annual meeting, with thousands of delegates expected in the capital. Concentrations of PM2.5, fine air particles that pose the greatest health risk, rose to 469 micrograms per cubic meter at 10 a.m., near Tiananmen Square compared to an average of 275 in the past 24 hours, the Beijing government reported. The World Health Organization recommends 24-hour exposure to PM2.5 of no higher than 25. The level dropped to 163 at 12 p.m. The country opens its annual National Peoples Congress on March 5 to set this years growth target and discuss policies.
北京空气污染严重超标图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

而许多北京居民则提出一些实际问题,如一旦学校停课,孩子们谁来照看? 再有,北京的地铁本来就已经拥挤不堪,今后又如何能够容纳那些因车辆限行而改乘公交的开车族?

作者:ARD 编译:李京慧

责编: 万方