俄罗斯重申坚拒对叙动武 – DW – 2013年8月30日
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ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH A Free Syrian Army fighter carries the body of a fellow fighter during clashes in Aleppo in this August 16, 2012 file photo. The civil war that has unfolded in Syria over the past two and a half years has killed more than 100,000 people and driven millions from their homes. Now, in the wake of last week's chemical weapons attack near Damascus, the world is waiting to see what action Western powers will take and what impact this will have on the Middle Eastern nation and the rest of the volatile region. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic/Files (SYRIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CONFLICT) ATTENTION EDITORS: PICTURE 19 OF 40 FOR PACKAGE 'SYRIA - A DESCENT INTO CHAOS.' SEARCH 'SYRIA TIMELINE' FOR ALL IMAGES
图像来源: Reuters/Goran Tomasevic


俄罗斯政府继续拒绝联合国安理会作出允许对叙采取军事行动的决议。该国副外长加季洛夫(Gennadi Gatilow)周五(8月30日)对伊塔塔斯社表,俄罗斯拒绝任何含有可能使用武力内容的决议,联合国安理会“不能批准针对叙利亚的军事行动”。此前,包括外长拉夫罗夫在内,俄罗斯政府高层人士曾在各种场合表达了相同的立场。自叙利亚内战爆发两年半来,俄罗斯同中国一起已先后3次使用否决权阻止了安理会通过谴责大马士革当局使用暴力决议。