中日分别召见对方大使表示抗议 – DW – 2013年11月25日
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©Kyodo/MAXPPP - 27/05/2013 ; ISHIGAKI, Japan - The Chinese maritime surveillance vessel Haijian 46 (back) prevents a Japanese fishing boat (front) from sailing ahead on May 26, 2013, in Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. Three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels sailed the same day into Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands, which are controlled by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan. (Kyodo)
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

据法新社东京报道,日本副外相斋木昭隆(Akitaka Saiki)周一召见中国驻日本大使程永华,对中国"单方面"宣布设立东海防空识别区的做法予以抗议。周一,日本首相安倍晋三在国会会议上称中国此举"危险",不仅改变了现有状态,而且还导致紧张局势进一步升级。他说:"我们要求中国收回任何有可能影响国际领空飞行自由权的措施。"
