中印即将召开边界事务会议 – DW – 2013年9月28日
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A vehicle plies between walls of snow after the Srinagar-Leh highway opened to traffic in Zojila, 108 km (67 miles) east of Srinagar April 6, 2013. The 443 km-long highway was opened by Indian army authorities for traffic on Saturday after remaining snowbound at Zojila Pass, 3,530 metres (11,581 feet) above sea level, for the past six months. The pass connects Kashmir with the Buddhist-dominated Ladakh region, a tourist destination known for its monasteries, landscapes and mountains. REUTERS/Danish Ismail (INDIAN-ADMINISTERED KASHMIR - Tags: ENVIRONMENT TRANSPORT TRAVEL)
图像来源: Reuters/Danish Ismail

印度总理辛格( Manmohan Singh) 下个月访华前,中印边境事务磋商和协调工作机制周日将在中国军队数次越过实际控制线(麦克马洪线)的背景下召开第四次会议。边界事务会议预计为期两天,将就建议中的“边防合作协议”进行磋商,以缓解实际控制线附近的紧张局势。预计在印度总理辛格下个月访华时,将签署“边防合作协议”。中国外交部发言人洪磊在周四(9月26日)称,可以通过该机制解决边境争端。中国解放军今年一度在拉达克地区安营扎寨,僵局在解放军撤回后得到缓和。