世界银行希望到2030年消除极端贫困 – DW – 2013年4月2日
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A general view shows the Kibera slum, home to over 1 million people in Kenya's capital Nairobi, February 25, 2013. Kenya's landlocked neighbours are stocking up on fuel and food to prevent the kind of disruption they suffered after being cut off from the port of Mombasa by angry rioters following a disputed election five years ago. About 200 million people in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and eastern Congo could be affected if Kenya goes through a fresh bout of fighting when it holds presidential and parliamentary elections on March 4. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya (KENYA - Tags: SOCIETY POLITICS ELECTIONS BUSINESS)
非洲贫民窟图像来源: Reuters

世界银行将竭尽全力推动扶贫,争取到2030年彻底消除极端贫困。世界银行总裁金辰勇周二在华盛顿表示,目前在发展中国家,大约有20%的人每天的生活费不,到2030年,这一贫困族群的比例应减少到不超过3%。 世界银行的目标是提高发展中国家人口四成的最贫困者的收入。世界银行称,虽然近年来扶贫努力取得进展,但是迄今全球仍有13亿人口生活极端贫困,8.7亿人口每天在忍饥挨饿,每年有690万五岁以下儿童死于饥饿。