西班牙建立“坏账银行” 应对银行业不良贷款现象 – DW – 2012年5月11日
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西班牙建立“坏账银行” 应对银行业不良贷款现象

The Bankia bank headquarters is seen in Madrid, Monday May 7, 2012. Spain's prime minister said Monday the government will likely present important bank clean-up measures this week to clear up doubts about the solvency of the sector, a key source of worry over whether Spain might need a bailout. Rajoy's comments came after El Pais newspaper said the government was preparing to help out troubled lender Bankia SA. Spain's real estate bubble burst in 2008, saddling banks with enormous amounts of bad loans as unemployment rose and people could not pay their mortgages. The Bank of Spain says the sector has about 175 billion euros ($230 billion) in "problematic" holdings. Bankia is known to be among the worst hit. (Foto:Paul White/AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


面对迟迟不见转机的债务危机,西班牙政府通过了一项银行改革,希望新措施可以使西班牙经济重拾信心。改革中规定,将由“坏账银行(bad bank)”来专门接管银行业内部存在的无法履行偿债条约的房地产市场贷款。这些所谓的坏账银行将按市场价格出售资产,以此方式避免该坏账出现在总行的账目中。除此之外,银行还必须增加其储备金额。

据西班牙银行(The Bank of Spain)估计,西班牙银行界的坏账约有1840亿欧元,而这些坏账的主要来源是信用借贷或者地产开发商贷款。
