長崎市長要求全面退核 – DW – 2012年8月9日
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ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 2011 AND THEREAFTER - This 1945 file photo shows destruction from a U.S. atomic bomb in Nagasaki, Japan. In the background are the remains of the Mitsubishi arms factory and a reinforced concrete school building at the foot of the hills. It seems as if violence is everywhere. Yet, historically, we've never had it this peaceful. That's the thesis of three new books, including one by Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker. Statistics reveal dramatic reductions in war deaths, family violence, racism, rape, murder and all sorts of mayhem. (AP Photo/U.S. Army)
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


日本長崎市今天舉行集會,紀念遭受原子彈攻擊67周年。田上富久(Tomihisa Taue)市長在紀念儀式上發表講話,要求日本退出核電。田上富久指出,政府必須闡述和制定新的能源政策目標,創造出一個不受核放射威脅的社會。田上富久市長同時呼籲對去年3月福島核電災難的受害者提供支持。1945年8月9日,在對廣島投下第一枚原子彈後3天,美軍在長崎又投下一枚核彈,最終導致約7.4萬人喪生。日本首相野田佳彥在紀念儀式上重申了要求實現無核武世界的立場。美國前總統杜魯門的孫子、現年55歲的丹尼爾(Clifton Truman Daniel)也參加了長崎紀念集會。杜魯門總統當年批准了對廣島和長崎的核彈攻擊。