金正恩向中國派遣一名特使 – DW – 2013年5月22日
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FILE - In this July 18, 2012 file photo, North Korea's Vice-Marshal Choe Ryong Hae, director of the General Political Bureau of the Korean People's Army, speaks during a meeting at the April 25 House of Culture announcing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's new title of marshal, in Pyongyang, North Korea. Choe, a "special envoy" for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un left Pyongyang on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, for China, the North's only major political and economic benefactor. State media released few details, but the trip comes at a rocky time in ties between the allies. (AP Photo/Jon Chol Jin, File)
圖片來源: picture-alliance/AP


據德新社報導,北韓領導人金正恩向中國派遣了一名特使。北韓官方媒體周三(5月22日)報導說,北韓人民軍總政治局局長崔龍海(Choe Ryong Hae)受金正恩委託前往中國。報導沒有透露進一步細節。崔龍海是有巨大權力的北韓國防委員會成員,被認為是金正恩的親信。去年,崔龍海獲人民軍次帥銜。據韓國媒體報導,這是金正恩2011年年底上台以來平壤首次向北京派遣特使。圍繞北韓核計劃爭議而出現緊張局勢,朝中這兩個傳統盟友之間的關係數月來明顯降溫。中國受到越來越大的壓力,國際社會要求中國同北韓保持距離。中國銀行新近中止了同北韓外貿銀行的合作。此舉是這一國有大型金融機構落實聯合國制裁措施採取的步驟。