蒙族維權人士哈達的妻子呼籲釋放其夫 – DW – 2012年10月15日
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Hada is an ethnic Mongol activist, who has campaigned for self-determination of the Inner Mongolia province of China. After organizing a demonstration and school strike among the teachers and students in the universities and colleges of Hohhot in Dec. 1995, Mr. Hada and other dozens of Mongols, including his wife Xinna and his brother Has, were arrested by the authorities. On Dec. 6, 1996, after a year of detention without trial, he was charged with the crimes of separatism and espionage for Mongolia and sentenced to 15 years in jail. Dec. 10 2010 should be his releaseday. --- Copyright: Boxun.com (genehmigt) EINGEREICHT VON: Juan Ju
蒙族著名維權人士哈達與妻子辛娜圖片來源: Boxun.com
