艾未未再次批評中國政府 – DW – 2013年11月5日
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Dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei stands at the yard of his studio in Beijing, May 22, 2013. Ai made his first foray into the musical world on Wednesday with the release of the top single from his debut album, a song called "Dumbass" that takes inspiration from his detention in 2011. The video for the heavy metal song, which was directed by Ai with cinematography by acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Doyle, depicts Ai's 81 days in secretive detention in 2011, which sparked an international outcry. REUTERS/Petar Kujundzic (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY)

中國藝術家、政府批評人士艾未未在為斯德哥爾摩電影節錄製的影片致詞中再次批評中國當局。他在影片中說,儘管他是評委會成員,但因北京對他下達的旅行禁令不能前往斯德哥爾摩電影節。他因此向電影節寄去了一把他設計的椅子,讓空椅子代表他。他希望以此讓人們清楚地看到中國政府如何肆無忌憚地限制言論自由、旅行自由和基本人權。他如今依然生活在某種形式的軟禁中,當局迄今扣留著他的護照。艾未未也是今年11月9日舉行的柏林牆倒塌國際會議的嘉賓。他將通過網路影片和冰島藝術家伊萊亞森(Olafur Eliasson)一起介紹一個言論自由電子平台。