日本明治奶粉中止在華銷售 – DW – 2013年10月24日
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--File--Tins of imported Meiji baby milk powder are seen for sale at a supermarket in Shanghai, China, 17 September 2008. Radioactive cesium was found in milk powder made by a Meiji Holdings Co. unit, Kyodo News said, causing the shares to fall the most in eight months and raising concern that nuclear radiation is contaminating baby food. Levels of cesium found in the 850-gram cans of baby milk powder are within safe limits and pose no health risk, the Tokyo-based company said in a statement. The product may have been contaminated by cesium in the air, it said. The product was made in Saitama prefecture, north of Tokyo, it said. Prolonged exposure to radiation in the air, ground and food can cause leukemia and other cancers, according to the London-based World Nuclear Association. Japanese consumers have spurned certain food products, including beef, after evidence that fallout from Tokyo Electric Power Co.s nuclear plant, crippled in the March 11 earthquake, entered the food chain.
圖片來源: picture alliance/dpa

