天野之彌在德黑蘭會談後表示樂觀 – DW – 2012年5月21日
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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Yukiya Amano, left, talks with reporters during a news briefing at the conclusion of his meeting with Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, right, in Tehran, Iran, Monday, 21, 2012. The head of the U.N. nuclear agency arrived Monday in Tehran on a key mission that could lead to the resumption of probes by the watchdog on whether Iran has secretly worked on an atomic weapon. It would also strength the Islamic Republic's negotiating hand in crucial nuclear talks with six world powers later this week in Baghdad. (Foto:IRNA,Adel Pazzyar/AP/dapd)
天野之彌對記者說:圖片來源: dapd


國際原子能機構總幹事天野之彌在德黑蘭的核談判結束後表現出樂觀。他說,"我們的談話具有成果,氣氛良好。"此前,他同伊朗核談判首席代表賈利利(Said Dschalili)進行了兩個小時的會談。天野之彌還說,我們的會談對接下來舉行的伊朗同安理會5個常任理事國加德國的會談有著直接積極的影響。周三,伊朗同以上6國的談判將在巴格達舉行。田野之彌說,雖然還有一些問題尚未澄清,但它們不妨礙我們之間的繼續接觸。伊朗方面對此次會談還沒有發表評論。