大馬士革重要城區發生炸彈爆炸 – DW – 2012年9月2日
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A view shows the wreckage after an explosion in Damascus September 2,2012, in this handout photograph released by Syria's national news agency SANA. The explosion hit a neighbourhood in Damascus on Sunday where major military and security compounds are located, residents and Syrian state television said. Damascus residents said the explosion was heard near the army and air force headquarters in Mahdi bin Barakeh neighbourhood in the Abu Rmmaneh district. REUTERS/SANA (SYRIA - Tags: CONFLICT) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Syrien Damaskus Autobombenanschlag圖片來源: Reuters


據敘利亞官方媒體報導,首都大馬士革的一個中心城區周日發生炸彈襲擊 ,造成四人受傷。敘利亞國家電視台稱,「引爆兩枚炸彈的恐怖襲擊」發生在安全力量和副總統夏拉辦公大樓所在的城區。那裡也是多個使館所在地。 周六,大馬士革城南一個貧民區的清真寺附近發生爆炸,造成15人喪生。另據反抗武裝方面的消息,敘利亞軍隊摧毀了霍爾姆斯省的反抗武裝重鎮庫塞爾最後一家麵包房。庫塞爾三個月來一直在反抗武裝的控制下。人權組織人權觀察數天前就指責政府軍針對麵包房發動襲擊,以斷絕反抗武裝的食品供給。