啟東爆發環境抗議,政府叫停排污項目 – DW – 2012年7月28日
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A police car lies overturned as protesters occupy a government building during a protest against an industrial waste pipeline under construction in Qidong, Jiangsu Province July 28, 2012. Angry demonstrators occupied a government office in eastern China on Saturday, destroying computers and overturning cars parked outside in a violent protest against an industrial waste pipeline they said would poison their coastal waters. The demonstration was the latest in a string of protests sparked by fears of environment degradation and highlights the social tensions the government in Beijing is having to deal with as it approaches a leadership transition this year. About a 1,000 protesters marched through the coastal city of Qidong, about one hour north of Shanghai by car, shouting slogans against the plan to build a pipeline through the city that would empty waste from a nearby paper factory into the sea. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (CHINA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CRIME LAW)
圖片來源: Reuters


Demonstrators stand inside a destroyed office at the local government building during a protest against an industrial waste pipeline under construction in Qidong, Jiangsu Province July 28, 2012. Angry demonstrators occupied a government office in eastern China on Saturday, destroying computers and overturning cars in a violent protest against an industrial waste pipeline they said would poison their coastal waters. About 1,000 protesters marched through the coastal city of Qidong, about one hour north of Shanghai by car, shouting slogans against the plan pipeline that would empty waste from a paper factory in a nearby town into the sea. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (CHINA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
民眾沖進啟東市政府辦公大樓圖片來源: Reuters




Local residents push over a police vehicle as they gather to protest against plans for a water discharge project in Qidong, China Saturday, July 28, 2012. The government in the city announced on its official website Saturday that the plans were scrapped amid opposition by local residents, who are concerned over potential pollution. (Foto:Kyodo News/AP/dapd) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE
多輛汽車被推翻圖片來源: AP

此前民眾自發向政府請願。但王子紙業發出公告稱該項目為南通市承諾建設項目。但同時也有江蘇網友曾對外表示 :"市政府根本沒有誠意聽取民意,教育局壓制老師、學生;工商壓制企業,民警、居委會壓制普通百姓。",市政府讓公眾簽署的"承諾書"被發至網上,該文件指參與抗議行動和集會為非法行為,要求市民不要參與。並在學校、幼兒園、工廠、單位發出要求民眾不要上街的通告。政府態度激怒公眾,正值暑期,很多年輕學生成為抗議行動的主力。



事件發生後,中國公共知識分子笑蜀、蕭瀚等為中國當局保持克制態度叫好,中國知名評論人、四川作家李承鵬在事件發出不一樣的聲音:事件中一些人表揚啟東市領導克制、理性,居然沒出動裝甲車和震爆彈。公民,你有點出息好麼?巨大項目捂著蓋子即要上馬,市民扒掉你衣服是要真相;某幾人 屋裡拍腦門就定下,市民沖進辦公廳事出有因;知道多少利益鏈條嗎?知道長三角多少癌症村嗎?要說進步,是市民在進步。"

A woman, with her face covered in blood, is helped by demonstrators after clashes with police during protest against an industrial waste pipeline under construction in Qidong, Jiangsu Province July 28, 2012. Angry demonstrators occupied a government office in eastern China on Saturday, destroying computers and overturning cars parked outside in a violent protest against an industrial waste pipeline they said would poison their coastal waters. The demonstration was the latest in a string of protests sparked by fears of environment degradation and highlights the social tensions the government in Beijing is having to deal with as it approaches a leadership transition this year. About 1,000 protesters marched through the coastal city of Qidong, about one hour north of Shanghai by car, shouting slogans against the plan to build a pipeline through the city that would empty waste from a nearby paper factory into the sea. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (CHINA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
示威民眾圖片來源: Reuters






Police officers stand guard at the local government office building Saturday July 28, 2012 in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. Authorities in eastern China dropped plans for a water-discharge project Saturday after thousands of protesters angry about pollution took to the streets, in the latest of many such confrontations in a country where three decades of rapid economic expansion have come at an environmental price. (Foto:AP/dapd)
現場警力圖片來源: AP


A protester stands in front of a lines of riot police officers Saturday July 28, 2012 in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. Authorities in eastern China dropped plans for a water-discharge project Saturday after thousands of protesters angry about pollution took to the streets, in the latest of many such confrontations in a country where three decades of rapid economic expansion have come at an environmental price. (Foto:Eugene Hoshiko/AP/dapd)
軍警與民眾的對峙圖片來源: AP


