北京的最新戰術 – DW – 2013年11月6日
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In this TV grab, Chen Yongzhou, a reporter of the New Express, and detained by Changsha Police, is confessing having accepted bribes to defame the state-owned construction equipment maker Zoomlion for money and fame in Changsha, central Chinas Hunan province, 26 October 2013. A Chinese journalist arrested last week on charges he defamed a state-owned construction equipment maker on Saturday (26 October 2013) confessed on state television to accepting bribes for fabricating stories, despite a public outcry over his detention. Reporter Chen Yongzhous lengthy explanation of how he invented negative stories about Changsha-based Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd is the latest in a series of televised confessions by suspects in high-profile or politicized cases. I am willing to admit my guilt and to repent, he said as he sat handcuffed before police in a morning news segment on state broadcaster CCTV. New Express, the state-backed tabloid that employed Chen, had published two front-page pleas for police to release him last week, an unusually bold move that drew widespread attention and sympathy from the public. The papers website did not mention Chens confession on Saturday morning.
陳永洲身穿綠色囚服,剃光頭,帶著手銬,出現在央視上圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa




紐約福特漢姆法學院教授敏茨訥(Carl Minzner)表示,這是一種實驗,旨在利用公開認罪發出政治警告。何兵表示,政治運動已經壓倒了法律。中國人民大學新聞學教授陳力丹表示,在法院審判前宣佈嫌疑犯有罪,央視不但違反專業準則,也違反中國現存法律。


In this screen grab taken on 15 September 2013, Charles Xue Biqun (Xue Manzi), Chinese-American investor and Weibo celebrity who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes is seen during a report to police in Beijing, China. Chinese-American investor Charles Xue Biqun, a popular weibocommentator who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes, has offered to work with authorities in their internet crackdown to help secure his release, state media reported. Xues pledge was carried across state media on Sunday (15 September 2013) in what appeared to be the latest attempt by Beijing to justify its campaign against internet rumours and Big V or verified online celebrities who can command millions of followers. Xue - known as Xue Manzi to his 12 million followers on Sina Weibo told Beijing police that he had made mistakes with his online postings, and held himself out as an example of the need to regulate the internet, according to a Xinhua report. The report featured prominently on major news portals on the mainland on Sunday. Xue told police in a Beijing detention centre that online influence had fuelled his ego, adding that he had misled internet users on various incidents.
薛蠻子在電視上呼籲其他微博大V汲取他的教訓圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa




來源:美聯社 編譯:苗子
