澳中自貿談判陷入僵局 – DW – 2013年4月18日
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A road sign near Uluru (Ayers Rock), about 350 km (217 miles) southwest of the central Australian town of Alice Springs warns drivers of the dangers of kangaroos crossing the road, in this April 20, 2004 file photo. More than 40,000 people from around the globe have applied for Australia's six "Best Jobs in the World", leaving Australian tourism officials with the mammoth task of paring the list down to 18 finalists. The six-month jobs, which include "Outback Adventurer" and "Chief Funster", attracted initial interest from more than 330,000 people from nearly 200 countries before applications closed late on April 10, 2013. REUTERS/Tim Wimborne/Files (AUSTRALIA - Tags: SOCIETY TRAVEL BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT)
圖片來源: Reuters


澳洲贸易部長埃默森(Craig Emerson)今天(4月18日)表示,澳洲同中國之間進行的自貿談判陷入僵局。澳中自貿談判已進行8年、18輪。埃默森部長在墨爾本的一次論壇上表示,雙邊自貿談判受阻的主要原因是中方提出了澳方難以接受的關於大幅放寬對外國在澳投資限額的條件。在澳洲政界,中國的投資多年來成為敏感事務。許多政界人士及地方政府反對外資併購澳洲农场和礦山。中國是澳洲最大貿易夥伴之一,同中國的經貿關係對澳洲的未來繁榮具有舉足輕重的意義。澳洲总理吉拉德新近在訪華時曾強調,澳中迄今未達成自貿協定是雙邊關係中的一個「缺口」,澳方決心予以填補。