李英浩被解除北韓黨內外一切職務 – DW – 2012年7月16日
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AUSSCHNITT::: North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-un (2nd R) looks on, as he is flanked by President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea Kim Yong-nam (R) and Chief of General Staff of the Korea People's Army Ri Yong-ho (3rd R), during the memorial for late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang, in this KCNA picture taken on December 29, 2011 and released on December 30, 2011. North Korea's military staged a huge funeral procession on Wednesday in the snowy streets of the capital Pyongyang for its deceased "dear leader," Kim Jong-il, readying a transition to his son, Kim Jong-un. REUTERS/KCNA (NORTH KOREA - Tags: POLITICS OBITUARY) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. NOT FOR USE BY REUTERS THIRD PARTY DISTRIBUTORS
圖片來源: Reuters


同北韓前最高領導人金正日關係密切的北韓人民軍總參謀長李英浩(Ri Yong-Ho)被解除黨內外一切職務。朝中社周一(7月16日)報導說,北韓勞動黨中央委員會政治局在昨天的會議上作出決定,因健康原因,免去李英浩副帥在黨內外的一切職務,其中包括勞動黨政治局常委、中央軍事委員會副主席。李英浩現年70歲。去年12月金正日去世後,金正恩成為北韓這個國際上處於孤立地位的貧窮國家的新領導人。觀察家猜測,解除李英浩職務可能是金正恩在國家大政上打上自己烙印計劃的組成部分。