Your say: Egypt's referendum – DW – 01/15/2014
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Your say: Egypt's referendum

Jessie WingardJanuary 15, 2014

Voting in Egypt's constitutional referendum continued for a second day on Wednesday - the first time the country has voted since the ouster of President Morsi. Our Facebook users based in Egypt described the mood there.
Image: Reuters

Polls are open for a second day amid heavy security after violence left eight people dead on Tuesday. DW English Facebook followers in Egypt had this to say about the constitutional referendum:

Sherif:The June 30, 2012, revolution and the referendum on the constitution show that the Egyptian people deserve a democratic process. Internationally, it's a unique example.

Samir: Every Egyptian was forced to vote YES in the referendum on the constitution. Voting NO could lead to an arrest.

Momen:The active voter participation in the referendum shows how much Egyptians hate the Muslim Brotherhood and what [the movement has] done during one year in power.

Mostafa: I did not vote and I know many others who did vote ad more people who did not.

Ahmed: I voted with YES. All Egyptian are celebrating the new constitution. Streets are full of people who participated and there are national songs [being played] every where.

Marwa: I abstained from voting because it is a coup

Abdelrazek: The crowds only appear after noon, when the old regime tycoons stuff their company busses with their employees. [They] head towards places where the media is waiting.

Sherif: I voted yes. I am very happy.

Dina: Millions of Egyptians are voting and our police and army are protecting us. We are happy to get rid of Morsi and his gang. By the way, it was a revolution not a military coup.

Ahmed: I voted yesterday and said YES. DW, please it was not a military coup, it was a complete revolution. (30 million people were in the streets isn't enough?)

Azam: Another step to bring back the country under military rule!

Tarek: No free person has voted in this bloody referendum. Only Mubarak supporters and thugs vote.

Aya: Personally I did not vote as we all know that the results are going to be 'yes' to the constitution anyway. All the private and state media have been directing people to say 'yes'. All the main streets in Egypt are covered with 'say yes' posters.

Khaled: I boycotted voting on the constitutional referendum because it's illegitimate.

Amr: MB [Muslim Brotherhood] thugs have killed ten voters. Large queues are still waiting to vote.

Ahmed: A small number of voters [are] in the streets and demonstrations [go]through the streets of the whole country.

Mohamed: A great festival in Cairo, we are celebrating the new constitution. I wonder [why] you still call it a coup. This is really funny for us. Anyway, we are very happy today; people are dancing in streets and everywhere.

Ahmed: All Egyptian people went [in large numbers] to vote. Only the pro-Morsi groups boycotted the vote. Some just made trouble!