10 facts about climate change – DW – 11/26/2015
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10 facts about climate change

Louise OsborneNovember 26, 2015

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today - and it is set to have a huge impact on generations to come. But what is it, and why is it important? Find out, and explore our interactive map!


Explore DW's interactive map on the impacts of climate change! To get started in the graphic above, click on one of the categories on the left or on one of the points in the regions.

Don't blame it on the weatherman

Climate refers to the weather typical for a particular region. So when people talk about "climate change," we are actually referring to changes in normal weather patterns across the globe. The term "climate change" is often used interchangeably with "global warming," which refers to an increase in the average temperature of the planet. But actual climate change goes beyond warming to include weather extremes, including more frequent and heavier storms, longer and more intense drought, or even unusually cold weather.

The human touch

The climate is always changing, including due to natural forces such as the distance of the earth from the sun or volcanic activity. But in recent decades, scientists have begun to look at how human activity has been affecting the climate. The scientific consensus is that human-caused release of greenhouse gases is currently causing the climate to change. In other words, driving, flying, agriculture, deforestation and many other human activities are contributing to increasing temperatures and resulting unstable weather.

Water cooling towers at a Vattenfall brown coal power plant in Jänschwalde, Germany
Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity contributes to climate changeImage: picture-alliance/dpa/P. Pleul

It's getting warm in here

Such human activities emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which act as a heat-trapping blanket around the earth. This so-called greenhouse effect is increasing temperatures, which is leading to changes in the weather, melting ice caps and rising sea levels.

Moving on

Animals can be affected in a number of different ways. In many ecosystems, changing weather affects growth of native plants, or makes conditions less suitable for local animals. But warmer weather also provides a boon to some species, which are able to migrate to new regions where they had not typically been found before. These invasive species can cause problems for other animals that are native to the region.

For example, warming-related pest infestations have killed millions of acres of trees in the American West, while increased water temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean is helping the spread of tropical fish such as the poisonous lionfish.

Adult lionfish with two divers above coral reef at Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba
Beautiful, but deadly: the lionfish is invading new regions in the AtlanticImage: picture-alliance/Wildlife

Climate victims and refugees

Humans are also being ever more affected by the results of climate change. People living on low-lying islands such as Kiribati, in the Pacific, are being displaced by rising sea levels, which are eroding the land. More severe weather conditions are also affecting countries like the Philippines and the Bahamas, which has experienced stronger storms - conditions that some scientists have attributed to climate change. The UN estimates that hundreds of thousands of people have been killed as a result of weather catastrophes in the last 20 years.

Insecurity and war

Increasingly, politicians and academics are also looking at climate change as a security threat. Changing weather is leading to food and water shortages, which cause problems in already unstable regions, such as in parts of Africa and the Middle East.

Clear cause

More than 80 percent of the CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere comes from the burning of fossil fuels - and almost half of that is from the energy sector, according to the World Bank. China is the country that emits most CO2, followed by the United States, and then the European Union bloc.

Infografik Life Links CO2 pro Kopf weltweit

A global solution

Ministers and heads of state from more than 190 governments across the world will be meeting in Paris for the 21st Conference of Parties, or COP21, with the aim of creating a new global climate agreement that would be implemented from 2020 onward. The goal for the climate summit, to be held in Paris, is to get countries to agree to emission targets that will ensure that average global temperature does not rise by more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

Limiting change

The 2-degree limit is an internationally agreed goal. While it won't stop the impact of the changes that have already been put into motion, experts say it will prevent the worst of the effects. Global temperatures have already risen by around 0.85 degrees Celsius - and, according to the United Nations, will continue to rise by around 0.5 degrees Celsius even if emissions were to immediately stop.

What you can do

It might feel like there is very little you can do to affect what is seen as one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. But every little bit helps. Deciding to walk or cycle instead of driving can cut CO2 emissions, as can learning to turn off lights and the heating when you are not at home.

If you are feeling a little more ambitious, you can also check out what some of Europe's climate heroes have been doing to combat climate change - maybe they will inspire you toward further action!