What about global warming sceptics? – DW – 02/15/2005
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What about global warming sceptics?

How much scientific backing do those who don't believe in global warming have?

Researchers around the world agree and believe that human activity has been causing the earth’s climate to get warmer – there are however some voices that disagree. They often agree that global warming will not have a catastrophic effect and even if it does there is little we can do about it. Climate change sceptics say that the topic is being obscured by angst and alarmism.

Professor Mojib Latif has a doctorate in Oceanography and is a scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. He’s also Germany's imminent climate expert. Deutsche Welle’s Shaye Hoobanoff asked him how many sceptics are there?

Professor Mojib Latif:

"I think about 99 percent of the climate researchers agree that some part of the warming that we observed during the last 100 years is directly caused by the emission of certain gasses into the atmosphere by mankind.....Although 99 percent of the climate scientists believe in manmade global change it does not come across that way because whenever you read a newspaper article or whenever you watch a TV show, there is always one (scientist) from the mainstream and one sceptic. So it basically comes across as 50/50 although the real situation is 99 to 1."

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