Travel Tips – DW – 02/23/2008
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Travel Tips

February 23, 2008

We asked readers who've traveled to Germany about their experiences and they shared some tips about their favorite destinations. Have you been to Germany too? Click on the link below to tell us about your trip.
Grapes in the Moselle Valley
The Moselle Valley is a perfect place for wine loversImage: Maksim Nelioubin

Helle Horsten is a retiree from Helsingor, Denmark.

My favorite destination in Germany: Moselle River

My preferred accommodation: In the Historisches Gästehaus in Bullay on the Moselle River. The house, which is landmarked as a historical building, belonged to nobility in the 16th century and was renovated several years ago. The atmosphere is quaint, the breakfast is elaborate, the innkeepers are very helpful and sometimes the guests even wake up to hand organ music.

Helle Horsten
Helle Horsten recommends sampling "Federweißen" on the Moselle River

A perfect day on the Moselle River: I wake up rested and, after a light breakfast, make my way along the river, either on foot, by bike or -- weather permitting -- by boat. From Bullay, I would visit the picturesque village of Beilstein. From the castle ruins at a peak high above the city, I can get a fantastic view of the Moselle. After taking a break in the castle restaurant, I would probably go to Cochem to shop, since there are lots of nice stores there. If there is a wine festival going on in or around Bullay, which is often the case in the fall, then of course I would go there in the evening and try the new wine -- "Federweißen."

I tend to spend my money on: Restaurants, transportation, entrance fees.

My Tip: Everyone wants to bring back souvenirs. In Germany, it's worth looking out for local specialties. Each region has its own products. In Cochem, for example, you can buy really nice wine or schnapps. Everyone back home is bound to like that!

Where I want to visit next: Munich! It's supposed to be a really beautiful city. Maybe I'll come for Oktoberfest. I'd also like to take a boat trip on the Rhine River, from the Swiss border to the Dutch border.

What I like best about Germany: As a Dane, it's easy traveling in Germany because I don't have any language problems. Most Danes speak German. Compared to Denmark, everything is much cheaper here, especially eating out. I like that Germany is so big and diverse, with changing landscapes and beautiful cities. I'd also like to visit Hamburg, Berlin and Bonn.