Congress confirms Biden win after violence — as it happened – DW – 01/07/2021
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Congress confirms Biden win after violence — as it happened

January 7, 2021

US lawmakers certified Joe Biden's election win after the US Capitol building was stormed by supporters of US President Donald Trump. A total of four people died in the unrest. Catch up on how the events unfolded.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reconvenes a joint session of Congress to certify Joe Biden as the next U.S. president in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S.
A joint session of Congress to certify Joe Biden as the next US president resumed in the Capitol buildingImage: Jim Lo Scalzo/REUTERS
  • US lawmakers certified Joe Biden's election win after a mammoth session
  • Earlier, a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol building
  • One woman died after being shot on Capitol grounds, three others died after "medical emergencies"
  • At least 52 people have been arrested and weapons have been seized
  • Twitter and Facebook have temporarily suspended Trump's accounts
  • Sporadic protests popped up at different state Capitol buildings around the country

All times in GMT/UTC 

09:30 The US House of Representatives and the Senate certified Joe Biden's presidential election win, bringing to a close a mammoth joint congressional session.

Congress rejected challenges to Biden's win in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Efforts were made to challenge the counts in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, but after the mob violence Senate Republicans dropped objections to Biden's wins there, eliminating any need for debate.

09:08 US President Donald Trump has released a statement saying: "Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th."

The statement was tweeted by the White House Director of Social Media Dan Scavino's personal account after Trump's Twitter account was blocked.

09:00 German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that images of the US Capitol building storming made her "angry and sad,"in comments during a press conference.

She laid the blame for the violent break-in on Donald Trump, saying his inability to admit defeat had made such an event possible.

08:44 The joint session has been dissolved. It officially confirmed Joe Biden's presidential election win. Vice President Mike Pence announced the results with 306 votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and 232 votes for incumbent US President Donald Trump and himself, Pence.

08:40 US Representative Louie Gohmert objected to counting the voting certificate for Wisconsin. His objection was not signed by a senator and so was invalid.

08:30 The joint session has resumed to certify the electoral states for the remaining states. It is 3.30 a.m. local time.

07:44 Voting is over in the the House. It has rejected the Pennsylvania objection. The House has rejected the Pennsylvania objection 138 to 282.

This was the last vote of the day with no more objections expected.

The House of Representatives is now proceeding to a joint session with the Senate.

A person holds the certificate of votes from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Both the US upper and lower houses rejected the objection to the Pennsylvania certificate of votesImage: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

07:35 Britain's interior minister Priti Patel said on Thursday that the storming of the US Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump was "terrible beyond words."

"He should absolutely condemn everything that has taken place," Patel said on Sky News. "He made a statement yesterday and it did very little to de-escalate the situation.... words of provocation are completely wrong," she added.

07:28 The House takes a recorded vote on agreeing to the objection to the State of Pennsylvania's electoral vote.

This will be the last vote of the day.

07:14 Donald Trump and his enablers are to blame for the mob that stormed the Capitol in Washington.The end of his time in power can't come soon enough, writes DW's Ines Pohl.

07:09 Supporters of President Donald Trump have stormed the US Capitol in the most violent rejection of Trump's election loss yet. Critics say the president is to blame for the unprecedented disregard for democracy.

07:00 Twitter looks set to restore Trump's Twitter account after three controversial tweets that led to his account suspension were removed.

The company required the removal of three of Trump's tweets, including a short video in which he urged those supporters to "go home" while also repeating falsehoods about the integrity of the presidential election. He also told those that stormed the Capitol that they were "very special." He uploaded the video as his supporters stormed the Capitol building.

His account could be restored when the 12-hour suspension comes to an end.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and members of congress applaud in the House Chamber during a reconvening of a joint session of Congress
Many senators chose to condemn the violence that took place in the Capitol building during the evening, after the joint session of Congress resumedImage: Win McNamee/Getty Images

06:45 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was "saddened" by the events at the US Capitol, his spokesman said.

"In such circumstances, it is important that political leaders impress on their followers the need to refrain from violence, as well as to respect democratic processes and the rule of law," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

06:25 The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, Germany's lower house, Norbert Röttgen, called on US Republicans to distance themselves from incumbent President Donald Trump.

The responsibility for the incidents in the Capitol clearly lies with Trump, the politician said on German public broadcaster ARD. He called on the Republicans to "make the split now."

06:15 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he believes no other states' votes will be challenged. That means Congress' formal certification of Biden's victory could finish quickly once the House votes on the Pennsylvania challenge.

06:00 The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking information that will assist in identifying individuals who are actively instigating violence in Washington, D.C., it said in a statement.

Earlier, Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building. Washington's Mayor Muriel Bowser instituted an evening curfew in an attempt to contain the violence. It came into force at 6 p.m. local time.

The head of the Washington police force, Robert Contee, said that four people were arrested on weapons charges and 47 were arrested for violating the curfew.

05:44 Senate rejects objections to counting Pennsylvania’s Electoral College votes, voting 7 to 92. The rejection saves the Senate a two-hour discussion on the matter.

The House is debating the Pennsylvania objection. Many senators are condemning the violence that took place during the evening.

05:14 An objection to the results in Pennsylvania has been allowed to go through after garnering the support of several Republican House members and one Republican senator. The joint session of Congress will now break up once again to debate the objection — both the House and the Senate given a maximum of two hours to debate. They will then vote whether to accept or reject it.

Republican Republican Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri both objected to the counting of Pennsylvania's electoral votes.

05:00 What happens next?  The joint session of the US House of Representatives and Senate to count electoral votes is set to drag on late into the night, as the proceedings were interrupted Wednesday afternoon by a mob of President Donald Trump's supporters who stormed the US Capitol.

The certification is normally a quick formality, and is the final step in confirming a president's election under the US Constitution. The formal tally of Electoral College results counts the total 538 electoral votes, out which Biden won 306 and Trump 232.

Lawmakers can object to the results of a state if they submit an objection in writing and if the objection is backed by both a senator and member of the House of Representatives. Once an objection is recognized, the chambers split up for a two hour debate and then vote on whether to accept or reject it.

It's likely that at least one more objection will go through for the results on Pennsylvania.

04:45  An attempted objection to the results in Georgia will not be heard after after Senators withdrew their support following the riot at the US Capitol building. The joint-session of Congress is now continuing to certify the results from the remaining states. It remains to be seen whether a planned objection will go ahead for Pennsylvania.

04:15 The US House of Representatives has officially voted against an attempt to overturn Biden's win in Arizona — voting 303 to 121. The move means the Electoral College votes from Arizona have now been certified.

Following the vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress will now resume is joint session to certify the rest of the 2020 election results. It remains to be seen how many more objections will be filed by Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House resumes a joint session to certify the results of the US Presidential election
The House voted 303 - 121 against a move to overturn Biden's victory in ArizonaImage: Jim Lo Scalzo/REUTERS

04:05 Police said four people died as Trump supporters occupied the Capitol building on Wednesday. One of the deaths was the woman who was shot by police in the building. The three others died after suffering "personal medical emergencies," Washington DC authorities said in a press conference. They did not immediately release further information. Police added that they've arrested 52 people so far.

03:49 Although voting is still continuing, a majority of members of the House of Representatives have also voted against an attempt to overturn Joe Biden's electoral victory in Arizona. 

03:20 Washington DC police have arrested at least 30 people for violating a citywide curfew imposed at 6 p.m. following the mob violence at the US Capitol Building. The fire department said 13 people were taken to area hospitals with protest-related injuries.

03:15 The US Senate rejected Republican objections to Joe Biden's electoral vote in Arizona, as lawmakers continue the process of approving electoral votes in all 50 states in alphabetical order — a process that was interrupted by a violent mob storming the Capitol.  Alabama and Alaska, states won by Trump, were passed without objection before the violence started.

02:31 French President Emmanuel Macron responded to Wednesday's violence at the US Capitol, saying he has confidence in the strength of democracy in the US.

"What happened in Washington is not American," Macron said in a short video speech posted on Twitter.

02:18 Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said lawmakers "would not be diverted from their duty" by the violent mob that stormed the Capitol Building on Wednesday.

"This assault shows the weakness of those who show their message through violence," Pelosi said.

02:10 At least three Republican senators have said they will withdraw their objection to Joe Biden's Electoral College certification.

Georgia's Kelly Loeffler, Steve Daines of Montana and Mike Braun of Indiana said they would back away from their refusal to recognize Biden's victory in light of Wednesday's violence.

01:00 Facebook has said it will block President Trump's page for 24 hours due to "two policy violations," meaning Trump will "lose the ability to post on the platform" during that time.

01:22 Democratic minority leader Chuck Schumer said the day's events will "live in infamy."

"This will be a stain on our country not so easily washed away," Schumer said, adding that President Trump "bears a great deal of the blame" for the violence.

"Today's events certainly would not have happened without him," Schumer said, adding that the "mob" only delayed the Senate's work certifying the presidential election "by a few hours."

"They cannot be called protesters, they were rioters and insurrectionists, goons and thugs, domestic terrorists, they do not represent America," Schumer said.

01:14 Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell labeled the violence that erupted on the Capitol as an "insurrection."

"The US has faced greater threats than the unhinged crowd we saw today," he said. "They tried to disrupt our democracy, they failed. This failed insurrection only underscores how crucial our task is."

01:10 US lawmakers have resumed their session after a pro-Trump mob stormed the building earlier in the day.

"To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you will never win, violence never wins, freedom wins," Vice President Mike Pence said.

"As we reconvene in this chamber the world will witness the strength of our democracy. Let's get back to work."

01:05 Former US President Barack Obama issued a statement Wednesday evening blaming President Trump for "inciting" the violence at the US Capitol, while calling the day's events a "moment great dishonor and shame" for the US.  

00:55 US media is reporting that US lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence have begun returning to the Senate chamber to resume election certification.

00:30 Trump supporters have staged rallies in several US capitals on Wednesday, here is a roundup of the latest:

In Atlanta, Georgia, a courthouse complex and two other government buildings were ordered closed as about 100 pro-Trump protesters — some of them reportedly armed — gathered outside the statehouse.

The mayor of Denver, Colorado, closed municipal offices in the city after an estimated 700 pro-Trump demonstrators gathered outside the Colorado statehouse.

At the Arizona state Capitol in Phoenix, several hundred Trump supporters staged a "Stop the Steal" rally, some of them dressed in fatigues and armed with rifles.

Armed Trump supporters in Arizona
Armed pro-Trump protesters outside the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix on WednesdayImage: Ross D. Franklin/AP Photo/picture alliance

In neighboring New Mexico, police evacuated the statehouse building in Santa Fe after hundreds of flag-waving Trump supporters gathered in a vehicle caravan and on horseback.

In Kansas, protesters entered the statehouse in Topeka and assembled on the first floor of the Capitol rotunda. Local media reported the protest was orderly and state police said the protesters had obtained a permit.

00:08 Twitter is locking President Donald Trump's account for the next 12 hours, the company announced. The president's account will remain locked if several tweets posted by Trump are not removed. Twitter then added that Trump's account would be permanently suspended if Trump violates Twitter's rules in the future. 

23:52 Some images emerging of police beating someone with batons outside the Capitol building.

23:48 Dozens of Trump supporters remain on the streets, despite the curfew.

23:38 Twitter has removed the past two posts from Trump, including the video in which he repeated his claims of election fraud.

It is the first time that Twitter has deleted one of his tweets.

Ivanka Trump earlier deleted her post in which she referred to the rioters as "American patriots" (see 20:20 update).

23:32 US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the confirmation of Biden's election will continue tonight "once it is cleared for use." Pelosi said the decision was made following consultation with Vice President Mike Pence, the Justice Department and the Pentagon. US media are reporting that the vote is expected to resume around 8:00 pm (0100 GMT).

23:27 Riot police are slowly moving on the remaining Trump supporters, just west of the US Capitol.

23:26 DW reporter Oliver Sallet has shared images of the National Guard arriving.

23:23 Here a picture gallery of the events that have unfolded so far today. 

23:16 US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told Senators to return to the chamber to "project strength" and continue the vote. US House Majority Whip James Clyburn earlier said Congress would "continue the business of certifying the electoral college votes."

23:13 Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, protesters have reportedly breached the gates of the Washington State Governor Jay Inslee's mansion.

23:10 More reports are confirming that woman shot inside the Capitol has died (see 20:36 update).

23:08 Former Republican President George Bush has slammed the actions of Trump supporters today, calling it a "violent assault."

"I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol — and distruption of a constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress — was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our nation and reputation."

23:02 Trump has tweeted again, seeming to defend the actions of those who stormed the Capitol.

"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!," he wrote.

23:00 The curfew 12-hour curfew has now entered into force.

22:59 YouTube has also removed Trump's video, in which he asks his supporters to act peacefully but repeats unfounded claims of election fraud. It follows Facebook removing it, and Twitter suspending interaction with it.

22:56 The FBI says two suspected explosive devices (see 20:56 update) were rendered safe.

22:55 US officials have declared that the Capitol is "secure." House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving told House members and reporters that the building was cleared. They spent several hours in lockdown. 

Images on TV still show a handful of Trump supporters inside the police cordon, outside the building. The situation inside is unclear.

22:51 The woman who was shot inside the Capitol building (see 20:36 update), has reportedly died, according to NBC.

22:46 The Virginia Governor has declared a state of emergency in the state and imposed a curfew of 6 p.m. in two jurisdictions.

22:45 Facebook has removed Trump's video in which he asked protesters not to be violent, but reiterated false claims of election fraud.

Facebook said they removed it because it contributed to the risk of violence. 

22:40 Police are using tear gas and percussion grenades to begin clearing protesters from the grounds ahead of the curfew in 20 minutes.

22:39 The German government has issued a travel advisory for Washington, telling Germans to abide by the 6 p.m. curfew. 

A continuation of action is "very likely," the ministry warned, adding that "violence, including the use of firearms, cannot be ruled out."  

It said that in the transition period before Biden takes office, the general situation could change at any time and "violence could flare up again." Crowds should therefore be widely avoided.

22:31 Police are clearing people from the lawn of the Capitol. 

22:29 Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, a consultancy for geopolitical risk, spoke with DW about the protests, comparing it to 9/11. 

"It's the first time an American president has acted to undermine the rule of law in such a direct way since the founding of the Republic," Bremmer said. "This is the worst day for this country in my lifetime. I mean, it's right up there with 9/11 and yet this is self-inflicted. That's what's so incredibly painful about what we're seeing in front of our eyes today."

He noted that widespread distrust in the results of the US election and the "lie" perpetuated by Trump and fellow Republicans is "staggeringly unprecedented."

"The impact on the legitimacy of US institutions will be felt for decades."

He noted that many people across the US have felt like the political system hasn't been working for them.

"President Trump has done everything he can to accelerate that divide. That's why this is such a painful day. It's not just about today. It's about something that's been happening for quite some time."

"The implications of this longer term, the divisions that you're seeing in the country, those don't get papered over on the back of this kind of activity. Trump doesn't go away. His supporters don't go away," Bremmer said. "That doesn't stop all of a sudden tomorrow."

22:17 The votes from the Electoral College that would have used to confirm Biden's victory were rescued from the Senate floor, according to Senator Jeff Merkley.

22:15 Police appear to have cleared all protesters from the steps. A contingent of riot police are now moving towards the building.

22:10 Republican Representative Paul Gosar appears to be blaming the violence from the pro-Trump mob on Antifa. There is no evidence to support his claim.

22:01 Television footage shows riot police equipped with shields slowly moving people off the steps of the Capitol. Many riot police are lined up in preparation.

21:59 The DC police chief, Robert Contee, says rioters have deployed "chemical irritants" against officers. He confirmed that one civilian had been shot inside the Capitol.

He reinforced the fact that a curfew had been imposed.

"Everyone who is not engaged in essential activities to get off the streets and adhere to the curfew," he said.

Contee said free speech protests are common in Washington DC, but that "today's events were not peaceful protests … what we witnessed was unlawful, riotous behavior."

Contee said that 13 people have been arrested so far, and five weapons were seized.

21:57 The Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has declared the events a riot and said Washington police will assist US Capitol police in restoring order. She said she had requested the Virginia and Maryland state police departments to deploy officers to help regain control.

"The behavior we are witnessing is shameful, unpatriotic … and unlawful, she said."

21:52 The acting US Defense Secretary Christopher Miller says the DC National Guard have been fully activated and are "prepared to provide additional support as necessary."

21:47 European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell has called the events an "unseen assault on US democracy, its institutions and the rule of law."

21:43 Representative Ilhan Omar says she is drafting a document to impeach Trump for a second time.

"We can’t allow him to remain in office, it’s a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath," she wrote.

21:38 CNN is reporting that the rioters are seeking to stay overnight in the building, citing a White House source.

21:38 A powerful business lobby has called on Trump and other politicians to end the occupation.

"The chaos unfolding in the nation's capital is the result of unlawful efforts to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election. The country deserves better," the Business Roundtable said in a statement. 

"Business Roundtable calls on the President and all relevant officials to put an end to the chaos and to facilitate the peaceful transition of power."

21:34 A journalist being escorted out of the Capitol building by police reported on Twitter that pro-Trump protesters have again breached the north door of the Capitol.

21:32 According to unconfirmed images shared on Twitter, it appears that tear gas been deployed outside the Capitol.

21:31 Twitter appears to have blocked all engagement with Trump's latest video "due to a risk of violence," and has added a disclaimer challenging his claims on election fraud.

21:30 Meanwhile, the Associated Press has confirmed that Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff won his Senate runoff against Republican incumbent David Perdue, giving Democrats control of the Senate when Biden takes office.

21:29 In Los Angeles, police have reportedly declared an unlawful assembly as clashes break out. See the 21:12, 20:49 and 20:00 updates for protests in Colorado, New Mexico and Georgia.

21:20 Trump has released a video message on Twitter in which he says the election was fraudulent, but that his supporters should go home.

"I know your pain. I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it," he said in the video.

"But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.

"We don't want anyone hurt.

"This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home, we love you, you're very special. You've seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

"Go home and go home in peace.

21:18 President of the European Parliament David Sassoli said the Democratic votes "must be respected."

21:15 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the scenes in Washington are "disgraceful" and called for a peaceful transition of power.

21:13 Joe Biden is speaking now, calling on Trump to appear on television and tell the mob to end the "siege." 

In the speech in Wilmington, Biden said Trump needs to "step up" and "fulfil his oath and defend the constitution and demand an end to this siege." Biden said was "not a protest, it's insurrection."

"Like so many other Americans I am genuinely shocked and sad that our nation, so long a beacon of hope and democracy has come to such a dark moment."  

"The scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect a true America," he added. "This is not dissent. It's disorder. It's chaos. It borders on sedition. And it must end now."

21:12 Meanwhile in Denver, police have reportedly used a stun gun as protesters gather outside the Colorado State Capitol, according to a CBS reporter. See the 20:49 update for details of the New Mexico Capitol being evacuated due to protests.

21:11 German Bundestag member for the Greens told DW that the scenes in Washington were "absolutely shocking."

21:04 The US Justice Department has said it is to lead a federal enforcement response to the protests, a Pentagon Spokesman says.

21:03 US investors seem to be unphased by the events unfolding. US stocks ended the day mostly up. Tesla stocks topped $700 billion for the first time.

21:01 US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer have issued a short joint statement calling on Trump to order the protesters to leave the area. 

21:00 Maryland is sending state troopers and a National Guard rapid response force, according to the governor.

20:59 NBC News is reporting that an IED was discovered on the grounds of the Capitol. It comes after the reported discovery of a pipe bomb at the Republican National Committee headquarters (see 20:56 update).

20:57 Several police officers have reportedly been injured, and at least one has been taken to hospital, CNN is reporting. MSNBC earlier reported that six people had been taken to hospital, including one police officer. 

20:56 The New York Times is reporting that a pipe bomb was safely detonated after being found at the Republican National Committee in Washington. The Democratic National Committee was also reportedly evacuated following the discovery of a suspicious package.

20:53 Watch the latest DW report on the matter here:

Protesters storm US Capitol to support Trump

20:49 Meanwhile, the New Mexico State Capitol is reportedly under evacuation orders. Protesters have gathered outside.

20:46 German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said the images from Washington DC showed a contempt for democracy.

"The enemies of democracy will rejoice at these inconceivable images from #WashingtonDC," he tweeted. "Seditious words turn to violent actions — on the steps of the Reichstag, and now in the #Capitol. Contempt for democratic institutions has devastating effects."

"Trump and his supporters should finally accept the decision of the American voters and stop trampling democracy underfoot," Maas added.

An earlier version of this update misinterpreted this Tweet and it has been updated to more accurately represent its meaning.

20:44 NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg said the scenes in Washington were "shocking" and said "the outcome of this democratic election must be respected."

20:43 Mike Pence has called for an end to the violence and asked protesters to leave.

"The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building," he wrote on Twitter.

"Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

20:42 The National Guard has been mobilized against the protesters, according to the White House press secretary, saying it was authorized by Trump.

According to a Washington Post reporter, the entire DC National Guard of about 1,100 guardsmen have been deployed.

20:39 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said he is concerned by the violence and is monitoring the situation carefully.

20:39 US lawmakers have called the events a "coup" against the US government.

"A mob storming the US Capitol to overturn an election. A coup in progress," Representative Val Demings said on Twitter. 

"This is anarchy. This is an attempted coup. And it's happening in America because of lawless lawmakers," Congressman Seth Moulton said.

20:37 The New York Times is reporting that the Virginia National Guard is sending 200 state troopers to the scene. Homeland Security says it is sending additional federal agents.

20:36 Footage shared on social media shows a woman apparently being shot in the neck. A single bang is heard and she falls to the ground and is seen bleeding from her throat.

20:31 Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton has tweeted that the violence and lawlessness has to stop and that the president must acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect. 

20:29 According to CNN reporters, a woman is in a critical condition after being shot in the chest. The Associated Press is reporting that one person has been shot amid a melee. Broadcast images earlier showed a woman bleeding heavily as she was attended to by paramedics.

20:23 Reporters and politicians are holed up inside the building in an undisclosed room.

20:20 Trump's  former communications director, Alyssa Farah, has called on Trump to condemn the actions of his supporters, saying he is "the only one they will listen to."

Trump's daughter Ivanka has now called for an end to the violence, saying on Twitter:  "American Patriots — any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful."

20:17 US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been evacuated and is safe, according to a congressional aide.

20:16 Trump, who earlier urged his supporters to march on the Capitol, has repeated his call for calm. He did not call for them to disperse.

20:14 Lawmakers have been given gas masks and told to put them on after tear gas was dispersed in the Capitol Rotunda.

"We have been instructed to lie down on the floor and put on our gas masks," Michigan Representative Dan Kildee, a Democrat, tweeted from inside the chamber.

20:12 Images broadcast on MSNBC show a woman bleeding and being assisted by paramedics. It comes as McCarthy confirms that shots were fired. 

20:11 The House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy has told Fox News that the protests are "unamerican" and that "it must stop now."

20:09 The Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service are reportedly assisting police.

20:08 DW correspondent in Washington Ines Pohl said it was peaceful at the National Mall leading to the Capitol until Donald Trump told his supporters to converge there.

20:05 Images from inside the chamber are being shared on Twitter.  

20:03 According to a Washington Post reporter, the US Department of Defense has refused to a request to deploy the National Guard.

20:00 Supporters of outgoing US President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol Building on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of senators.

According to some unverified reports, shots were heard inside the building.

The US Senate abruptly went to an emergency recess during its Electoral College debate after the building was locked down.  

Supporters of Donald Trump were seen breaching barricades, roaming the building and later pounding on the door of the US House Chamber in an attempt to get in.

An announcement was reportedly played inside the building as lawmakers prepared to vote to affirm Joe Biden's election victory, warning of an "external security threat" and saying that no one could enter or exit the Capitol complex.

Reporters were warned to stay in the Senate's press gallery as the doors were locked.

Some senators and members of the House of Representatives were later seen being evacuated. 

Police reportedly deployed tear gas in an attempt to quell the protests as they broke windows and massed inside. 

The breach came after outgoing Vice President Mike Pence refused Trump's request to block Biden's confirmation. Trump, having urged his supporters to march on Congress, later called for protesters to act peacefully.

The Washington DC Mayor ordered a curfew in response to events, mandating people stay home from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Separately, the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was reportedly evacuated from the Georgia Capitol after militia members gathered outside.

A previous version of this article incorrectly stated Representative Louie Gohmert objected to voting certification in Texas. He objected to the certification in Wisconsin. This has now been corrected. The department apologizes for the error.

Wesley Rahn Editor and reporter focusing on geopolitics and Asia