UN chief calls for Gaza ceasefire – DW – 07/28/2014
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UN chief calls for Gaza ceasefire

July 28, 2014

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has called on Hamas and Israel to immediately halt all fighting. Israel has denied responsiblity for a fatal attack on a Gaza refugee site. A mortar has killed several civilians in southern Israel.

Palästinensischer Junge läuft durch zerstörte Häuser
Image: Getty Images/AFP/Marco Longari

Speaking to reporters in New York on Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed the urgency for Palestinian and Israeli leader to agree to a ceasefire.

"Gaza is in critical condition," Ban said.

While no country would accept rocket fire or tunnels, the UN secretary-general said - referring to Hamas' attacks on Israel - he noted that there were "serious questions about proportionality," in the current military campaign on the Gaza Strip.

Over 1,000 Palestinians, most of whom were civilians, have perished in the bombardment of Gaza by Israeli military forces since July 8. Israel has lost 43 soldiers and at least 7 civilians in the fighting.

The two sides must agree to "an immediate and unconditional humanitarian cease-fire…"in the name of humanity."

The Israeli and Hamas leadership's refusal to cease hostilities was "morally wrong," Ban added.

The UN chief had spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday morning, just hours after the UN Security Council calls for immediate Gaza ceasefireUN Security Council# had demanded a "durable and fully respected ceasefire."

According to new agency Reuters, the Israeli premier had criticized the Security Council's late Sunday statement for emphasizing "the needs of a murderous terrorist group that attacks Israeli civilians and has no answer for Israel's security needs."

Both sides had observed a 12-hour humanitarian ceasefire on Saturday, which Israel then extended at the request of the United Nations. However, fighting broke out the following day with Israel blaming Hamas for violating its own agreement.

Israel denies attack

At least 10 people were killed in northern Gaza on Monday when a missile hit a park in the Shati refugee camp. Palestinian medics said roughly 40 people were also injured in the blast. A nearby hospital was also struck.

Israel denied responsibility for the attack, saying it was a misfired rocket from Hamas.

"This incident was carried out by Gaza terrorists whose rockets fell short and hit the Shifa Hospital and the Beach (Shati) camp," Israeli army spokesperson, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said.

Meanwhile, a mortal shell killed at four civilians in southern Israel, according to Israeli media.

The Israeli military also reported that a group of militants had crossed into southern Israel on Monday using an underground tunnel near the Gaza border. At least five of those militants were killed in a shootout.

The continued violence overshadowed celebrations on Monday, the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.

Israel's offensive against Hamas has sparked protests in Europe. Over the weekend, critics of the violence took to the street in several major cities, including Paris and Berlin.

kms/ipj (AP, AFP, Reuters, dpa)