Tinder and the Brexit debate: A perfect match? – DW – 06/03/2016
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Tinder and the Brexit debate: A perfect match?

Pedro SacaduraJune 3, 2016

Could the world's most popular dating app also be used as a political tool? Tinder is now being used to educate young UK users ahead of the upcoming EU referendum.

App Tinder
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Kraufmann

Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps in the UK but it seems it also has some political potential. In the countdown for the UK's EU referendum on June 23, Tinder is urging its users to learn more about the "Brexit" and to urge them to register to vote.

The new feature, called "Swipe the Vote," invites users to take part in a quiz about the relationship between the United Kingdom and Europe.

Launched this week, Tinder will pose questions such as: "Fact or Fiction? Citizens of EU member countries have a guaranteed right to live, work or study in another EU member country?” Then it asks the user to swipe right for fact and swipe left for fiction.

Answers will then generate a score depending on how many questions were answered correctly along with a link on how to register to vote. An estimated 50 million people use Tinder around the world.

"From state benefits to human rights, it's critical that millennials - who will play a major part in deciding the Referendum - are aware of the policies in place when they submit their ballots," wrote Tinder on their website when the feature was launched.

Swipe in or swipe out?

This feature is aimed at connecting with a younger demographic and has been organized along with "Bite the Ballot." The UK organization works to get young people to the polls and become more aware of what is at stake.

The "Swipe the Vote" program is already being used in the United States since March. There Tinder users were presented with political stances and asked to swipe if they agreed or not. At the end they were then linked with the presidential candidate that most resembled their views. The goal was again to promote more political engagement and educate the users on where the candidates stand on specific issues.

A recent poll in the UK showed that young voters could hold the key in the June vote. Asked if the United Kingdom should remain in the EU or leave the block, 53 percent of people between 18 and 34 years old supported remaining.

However only 52 percent of that age group said that they were likely to vote in the referendum. This is an important detail given the fact that 81 percent of people over 55 years said that they were likely to vote.

David Cameron on Tinder?

Recently there were widespread media reports that David Cameron joined Tinder in order to persuade young people to vote. A spokesperson from his office later denied the news but said that they were working with various social media outlets to explore ways of encouraging more people to vote.

The news that David Cameron joined Tinder immediately created all types of reactions worldwide, ranging from those who found it an interesting strategy and those who openly criticized it claming that Tinder was not a political platform.