Sweden issues Cold War-style conflict guide to residents – DW – 05/21/2018
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Sweden issues Cold War-style conflict guide to residents

May 21, 2018

"If Crisis or War Comes" advises Swedes on rationing, propaganda and clean water. Although Sweden has not fought in a military conflict for 200 years, it has been increasingly concerned about Russian aggression.

Sweden conflict broschure
Image: Reuters/Government of Sweden

The government of Sweden announced plans on Monday to issue a pamphlet to all citizens with instructions on how to handle a potential military conflict as Russia stepped up its assertive behavior on the Baltic Sea.

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Titled "If Crisis or Was Comes," the 20-page booklet details how to find a bomb shelter, find clean drinking water, stock emergency rations and distinguish propaganda from factual news. The instructions mark the first public awareness campaign of its ilk launched by Stockholm since the end of the Cold War.

Dan Eliasson, head of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, told reporters that "even if Sweden is safer than most countries, threats do exist."

"It's important that everyone has knowledge of what can threaten us so we can prepare in case something serious occurs."

Read more: Is it time for Germany to revisit its Russia relationship?

Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Sweden has accused Russia of repeatedly violating its airspace. At one point, Swedish authorities were also alarmed by the sight of an unidentified submarine in the Stockholm archiapelago.

The Kremlin has insisted that the West is stoking "Russophobia" with their claims of Russian aggression, such as last week when Poland broke up a cell it accused of perpetrating "hybrid warfare" within its borders.

Sweden has not been at war since its conflict with Norway in 1814. In 2016, the government announced that it was increasing military spending after years of declines.

The brochure will be delivered to 4.8 million Swedish households in the coming weeks.

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es/rc (AFP, Reuters)