Signed and sealed – DW – 09/14/2011
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Signed and sealed

September 14, 2011

The US and Romania have signed an agreement to house a missile defense shield in southern Romania, set to be put into action by 2015. Moscow has criticized the plans, saying they are an affront to its security.
Hillary Clinton and Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi sign agreement
The US says the plans will improve security for NATOImage: dapd

Romania has signed an agreement with the United States to house a missile defense shield in the eastern European nation.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi on Tuesday signed the agreement at the State Department in Washington.

"The proliferation of ballistic missiles that are more lethal, more accurate, and can cover greater distances poses a growing threat to the people and security of both Europe and the United States," said Clinton.

Under the deal, the US will station a land-based SM-3 ballistic missile defense system in southern Romania, along with some 200 soldiers, from 2015.

"Our governments worked closely together to select Deveselu Air Base in Romania to host a ballistic missile defense system, and the agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO's evolving missile defense capability," Clinton added.

The White House said the deal "exemplifies [US President Barack Obama's] commitment to strengthening NATO and ensuring allies have the capabilities to meet 21st century threats."

Previous plans to carry out the project in the Czech Republic fell through. Russia has heavily criticized the plans as an affront to its own security, despite insistence by the US that the shield is meant to protect NATO member states from long-range attacks from countries like Iran.

Author: Andrew Bowen (AFP, dpa)
Editor: Martin Kuebler