"Refugees' hopes - Europe's challenge" – DW – 04/29/2015
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"Refugees' hopes - Europe's challenge"

April 29, 2015

In light of the growing tragedy involving migration by refugees, Deutsche Welle is presenting special content dealing with the refugee crisis - in 30 languages.

04.2015 Flucht nach Europa Teaser

In TV, online and radio reports, this content takes up all aspects of refugees' journeys - from what motivates them to embark on an often life-threatening trip to what awaits refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and Europe. The dedicated subcategory at dw.de includes an interactive world map and numerous infographics.

One report is dedicated to the situation in Eritrea ("Eritrea: Africa's land of exodus"), while another examines what's happening in Senegal. In Greece, a reporter sits down with an Afghan refugee. DW journalists in Ghana present a new initiative aiming to combat emigration ("Ghanaians move on after shattered migrant dreams"). A video report also takes a look at the refugee project "Sea Watch."

DW Director General Peter Limbourg said of the thematic focus, "For us, the task of providing people with information about the risks of fleeing to Europe is of great significance. We've done that in the past, and we now want to increase our efforts. With our successful programming targeting African audiences, we hope to inform as many In light of the growing tragedy involving migration by refugees, Deutsche Welle is presenting special content dealing with the refugee crisis - in 30 languages.people as possible about these issues in a comprehensive fashion."

Further reports in the DW series take a critical look at the cynical and brutal business practiced by bands of people traffickers. When it comes to Germany's treatment of refugees, DW presents controversial reforms to German asylum laws and considers how church communities, for example, are trying to stop migrants from being deported.