Reconciliation between the Russians and the Poles over the Katyn massacre is still a controversial subject – DW – 04/07/2010
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Reconciliation between the Russians and the Poles over the Katyn massacre is still a controversial subject

VideoassistentenApril 7, 2010

The sensitive issue of some form of reconciliation between the Russians and the Poles over the Katyn massacre is still a controversial subject. The Russians have so far refused to recognize the incident as genocide. They add that millions of Soviet citzens were executed by Stalin - thousands of them at Katyn. The Kremlin for its part insists that with the handing over of secret documents authenticating the murders, it has wiped its hands clean of the affair. They say the fact that Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin invited his Polish counterpart to join him for commemorations today shows Russia is serious. But for many other Russians, Katyn also symbolizes one of the darkest chapters in Soviet history.