Poland asks Germany to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine – DW – 11/24/2022
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Poland asks Germany to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine

November 24, 2022

Warsaw was promised Germany's missile defenses but Polish officials now urge Berlin to send them to Ukraine instead. Berlin says their Patriot missiles are for NATO deployment only.

US Patriot Missiles deployed behind a razor-wire topped fence at an airbase in Poland
US surface-to-air missiles are being shuffled around Europe as Russia's war on Ukraine drags onImage: Simon Jankowski/NurPhoto/picture alliance

Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak has asked the German government to deliver US Patriot missiles destined for Poland to Ukraine instead.

"I have asked Germany to have the proposed Polish Patriot batteries transferred to Ukraine and deployed at the western border," wrote Blaszczak on Twitter Wednesday. 

But Berlin insisted the missiles are only to be deployed within NATO.

Germany had offered Poland, a neighbor and NATO partner, the US-made surface-to-air missile (SAM) defense system after a stray rocket struck a Polish village 6 kilometers (4 miles) from the Ukrainian border last week, killing two people. 

Following Blaszczak's tweet, Berlin said the missiles are strictly intended for Poland, with German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht emphasizing, "Patriots are part of NATO's integrated air defense, meaning they are intended to be deployed on NATO territory."

"Any use outside NATO territory," said Lambrecht, "would require prior discussions with NATO and the allies."

Germany, which owns 12 batteries of Patriots, has two units deployed to Slovakia and offered Warsaw another in an effort to step up air-protection there.

Ukraine, though it aspires to join NATO, is currently not a member of the military alliance.

NATO members should agree on a solution: Estonia's defense minister

In an interview with DW, Estonia's Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur maintained that all NATO members must reach a solution together on the issue.  

Pevkur agreed with Lambrecht and appealed for unity among NATO members, arguing that "Russia wants to divide us."

Asked whether the recent missile crash in Poland was a wake-up call, he said: "We don't need a wake-up [call]. We are awake already." 

Pevkur also hailed Germany's contribution of the Iris-T system to Ukraine - a system Germany doesn't "even have themselves." 

NATO partners share US military hardware while aiding Ukraine

The Patriot system is made by US arms manufacturer Raytheon, which says it will continue to update the nearly 40-year-old system until at least 2048.

The system is based on a collection of radars, command-and-control units, and various missile interceptors, covering a large area. Its radar can track up to 50 targets, and engage five of them at once. Depending on the version in use, the interceptor missiles can reach an altitude of more than two kilometers and hit targets up to 160 kilometers away.

Each unit requires about 90 troops to operate, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a US think tank.

Patriots can defend against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, aircraft and "other threats" according to Raytheon.

Russia, however, has increasingly made use of cheap Iranian drones that are much more difficult for the Patriot to detect and intercept.

On Monday, German Defense Minister Lambrecht said Berlin wants to lend Warsaw the system because, "Poland is our friend, our ally, and, as a neighbor of Ukraine, especially exposed."

js/dj (AFP, Reuters)