People and Politics # Opel -- The Auto Industry and German Elections # 20.03.2009 – DW – 03/20/2009
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People and Politics # Opel -- The Auto Industry and German Elections # 20.03.2009

Karlotta BahnsenMarch 20, 2009

Should the German government use taxpayers' money to rescue carmaker Opel? Both auto industry experts and politicians are debating the issue. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany's foreign minister and the Social Democrats' candidate for the office of Chancellor, openly declared his solidarity with Opel's employees, at first saying he would rescue the car company with state money. He is now calling for clarification about the viability of the company, while pressing for a decision about its future. In contrast, Chancellor Angela Merkel is biding her time and has yet to make her intentions clear. Opel's fate has clearly become an election issue. It's just one more which clearly shows how divided the grand coalition has become. Both the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats are currently working Opel into their own, separate election strategies.