More Diplomat Than Politician – DW – 01/04/2004
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More Diplomat Than Politician

DW staff (ktz)January 4, 2004

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is the third Dutchman to head NATO. While supporters praise the former foreign minister for his diplomatic skill at forging compromises, others criticize him for not taking a critical stance.
NATO's new secretary general -- A safe choice for Europe?Image: AP

Former Dutch Foreign Minister Hans van den Broek once referred to De Hoop Scheffer as a man who was born to walk on egg shells, so careful was his maneuvering on the diplomatic tightropes. Indeed, the 55-year old is frequently referred to as a skillful statesman, who succeeds in forging compromises where the majority of his colleagues fail.

Supporters in the Netherlands and Europe say those are qualities the new NATO Secretary General will need when he takes over the helm in 2004.

"He is, at the end of the day, more of a diplomat than a politician," fellow Christian Democrat Wim van de Camp was quoted by Radio Netherlands as saying. "He is not particularly outspoken on any issue. He has a lot of patience and that is necessary on the international scene."

De Hoop Scheffer also won praise from other foreign ministers for the Dutch chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in 2003.

Too soft-spoken for Europe?

Not everyone embraces the Dutchman’s sense of careful-worded diplomacy. In Europe, his appointment was viewed more as a safe choice at a time when the alliance was torn apart over the Iraq war than as the best person to guide the alliance into the future.

France in particular was critical of De Hoop Scheffer’s middle-of-the road position on the U.S.-led war. On the one hand, as Dutch foreign minister he extended political support to Washington for the ouster of Saddam Hussein, but on the other hand he held back offering military assistance.

One of his more outspoken critics is ex-European Central Bank president Wim Duisenberg. "I understand very well why Jaap de Hoop Scheffer has now become Secretary General of NATO... He is someone who in his deeds and words follows the United States practically without criticism," Duisenberg told the Dutch daily NRC in December.

"It really surprised me that the rest of Europe accepted this without any qualms," the fellow Dutchman said.

Political experience

Regardless of what critics say, most agree that De Hoop Scheffer has the experience and clout needed to head up the transatlantic alliance. Although his military experience is limited to just two years mandatory service, the former lawyer has made a career out of politics and has spent much of his professional life working on the international stage, including a stint as the Netherlands representative to NATO in Brussels.

De Hoop Scheffer has served as Dutch foreign minister in two center-right coalitions, and although many back home say he lacks the charisma to rise higher in his country’s government, diplomats in Brussels say he is well-liked.

"In the diplomatic career he has had, he’s always been very popular and much-liked," an unnamed Brussels diplomat told Reuters. "But he has a crisp tongue and is capable of being vigorous when he needs to be."