Money Over Sex Any Day – DW – 12/08/2004
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Money Over Sex Any Day

DW staff (jam)December 8, 2004

Given the choice between hot sex and cold, hard cash, Germans say they'll take the dough. A new survey reveals Germans would prefer less erotic satisfaction in 2005 and more of the pecuniary sort.
Setting those priorities straightImage: dpa

The question the Emnid survey group asked for Playboy magazine was simple: Would you rather have more money, more free time or more sex in 2005?

The answer was loud and clear: Show me the money!

Of the 1,000 polled, 62 percent said a little more cash next year would be at the top of this wish list. More leisure time came in second place, with 26 percent preferring to loaf around more. Only a paltry 6 percent of respondents said more sex in 2005 would trump either money or time.

According to the survey, it is those in their forties who seem to have largely replaced their interest in sex and with a lust for legal tender -- 67 percent of this group opted for more cash. Residents of the state of Hesse also qualified as cold fish. Only 1 percent of them said sex beat out money.

Women also came off as less enthusiastic about sex than men. While 10 percent of men reported more sex was a priority, only 2 percent of women did. The fairer sex prefers funds.