Merkel lookalike causes a stir in lesbian magazine ad – DW – 07/22/2015
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Merkel lookalike causes a stir in lesbian magazine ad

Kate BradyJuly 22, 2015

A new magazine, aimed at gay women, has roused the German press with an advert in which a dead ringer for Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to be in a lesbian relationship. Merkel staunchly opposes same-sex marriage.
Screenshot "Straight!" Magazine Twitter
Image: Twitter

German magazine "Straight!" which launched on Wednesday enlisted the help of a Merkel lookalike to create the provocative 23-second clip which was accompanied by the caption: "Everyone in Europe hates Merkel? Yes, apart from this woman..."

Shot in black and white, "Merkel" is seen using her mobile phone at a window, while in the background a radio reports that 62 percent of Germans are in favor of same-sex marriage. The actress responds to the statistic by shaking her head before a young woman appears and embraces the "chancellor" from behind and kisses her on the neck.

Germany remains one of the few western European countries which does not allow same-sex marriage, despite recent polls suggesting the majority of the population would approve.

"We wanted to refer to the issue of gay marriage and of course win over Ms Merkel," a spokeswoman for the magazine, Eva Werle, told Germany's DPA news agency.

'Marriage is a union between a man and a woman'

Equal-rights campaigners were filled with hope in May after Ireland passed a same-sex marriage referendum, with the US following suit shortly after.

Despite the German government agreeing just days later to make small changes to civil union laws, Merkel's spokesman said that "same-sex marriages are not a goal of this government."

Merkel, a twice-married Christian, reiterated her well-reported opposition last week when confronted by a gay teenager who asked why she didn't support same-sex marriage.

Gay pride flag
Angela Merkel has voiced her opposition to same-sex marriage on numerous occasionsImage: picture alliance/empics/G. Hughes

"For me, personally, marriage is a union between a man and a woman," Merkel said.

"You'll only be happy if I say ‘marriage for all," she told the students, after several challenged her.

"Are you all of the same opinion?" Merkel asked, to which they responded in a positive chorus.

"Fine," the chancellor said.

No comment

Following the publication of the "Straight!" advert, the German government said they would not be commenting.

"The government has acknowledged the video [but] will not comment on it," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Wednesday.

Regarding the subject of same-sex marriage, he added: "The chancellor has made her stance on this issue publicly clear on a number of occasions. There is nothing to add to that."