IAEA says Iran is complying with nuclear deal – DW – 02/26/2016
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IAEA says Iran is complying with nuclear deal

February 26, 2016

The UN's atomic watchdog has said Tehran is adhering to an international accord on its nuclear program. Last July, Iran agreed to curb its nuclear ambitions in return for the lifting of sanctions against the country.

Arak nuclear reactor
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Forutan

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Friday that Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium remained below the agreed limit of 300 kilograms, and that the number of centrifuges for uranium enrichment was also below the agreed number.

In its first report since a deal with six world powers came into force in January, the Vienna-based nuclear watchdog confirmed that no additional construction work has been carried out on the Arak reactor, which could have produced plutonium as a byproduct if it had been operational.

The new report added that Tehran had submitted early design information about two light-water nuclear power stations at Bushehr.

One boundary temporarily overstepped

Inspectors found that Iran had 130.9 tons of heavy water, more than the limit of 130 tons agreed in the accord, the report said. But a shipment of 20 tons out of the country on Wednesday brought it below the threshold.

The nuclear deal, signed with the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China, is designed to prevent Iran from acquiring uranium or plutonium for a nuclear weapon.

When the deal came into effect on January 16, Washington and the European Union lifted the embargoes that had severely hurt key economic sectors in Iran, including the oil industry and banks.

The agreement was supported by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and has raised hopes for economic recovery and for improved relations with the West.

mm/sms (AFP, dpa, Reuters)