Not going away – DW – 10/30/2011
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Not going away

October 30, 2011

Thousands of people in Germany have rallied again to protest over the gap between rich and poor. Activists camping outside the European Central Bank in Frankfurt have vowed to remain for the next two weeks.
'Occupy' protesters
Thousands protested against excess in the banking industryImage: Insa Moog

Thousands gathered across Germany on Saturday to protest over wealth inequalities and a perceived lack of transparency in the financial services industry.

According to police figures, about 2,500 people rallied in Frankfurt to march on a route that took them past the headquarters of both the German national bank and the European Central Bank (ECB).

The activist group Attac, which organized the event, said at least 5,000 had attended.

Members of the Occupy Frankfurt group, which has been camped outside the ECB for the past two weeks, have said they plan to remain at the site for two more weeks.

In Berlin, some 1,000 protesters gathered outside the main city hall carrying plaques bearing the message "Occupy Berlin."

A woman holds a poster reading " financial transaction tax now"
Some want specific measures to be introduced, such as a tax on financial transactionsImage: dapd

Other slogans included "Capitalism is crisis" and "We are the 99 percent," the later referring to figures that show one percent of the world's population holds almost 40 percent of the world's wealth.

Satirical swipe

Among the more satirical of the protests was a group of young people dressed in ball gowns and suits, chanting "We are the one percent, we are rich and you are not," as their slogan.

Organizers said that further protests were planned in both cities for November 12.

The German demonstrations on Saturday were the latest to be inspired by New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and the Spanish "indignant" protests.

In London, several hundreds of protesters against economic inequality have been camped outside St. Paul's Cathedral for the past two weeks.

Occupy protests have also continued across the United States, where the movement began in mid-September.

Author: Richard Connor (AFP, AP, dpa)
Editor: Andreas Illmer