Germany's Most-Eligible Bachelor? – DW – 05/31/2005
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Germany's Most-Eligible Bachelor?

DW staff (jp)May 31, 2005

Bonafide prince, romantic, writes poetry, enjoys hunting, seeks wife to share 30-bedroom stately home. Must be loyal, affectionate, understanding -- and a blue-blooded Saxon...hmmm, that narrows the options somewhat.
He could be yoursImage: dpa

It happens all the time. Scarred by a recent divorce, an older man decides life's too short to spend it alone, and does what morose singles across the country often do -- he takes out a lonely hearts ad in the tabloid Bild.

But in this case, the man in question has a few bonus points up his perfectly tailored sleeve. He happens to be the 51-year-old Prince Rüdiger of Saxony, the great-grandchild of the last King of Saxony Friedrich August III and a regular fixture in the gossip columns after an acrimonious split from his wife Diana.

"Genuine prince, sweet natured and industrious," the ad reads, "seeks, after much disappointment, a decent woman aged between 25 and 50 for marriage. Pocket money of 2,500 euros a month, as well as a wardrobe and jewellery for receptions, balls and trips."

Schloss Sigmaringen
Image: Schloss Sigmaringen

Gold-diggers take note: "My future wife will be marrying into one of the oldest dynasties in Europe. One that ruled the Kingdom of Saxony for 829 years. And I will lay all my love and treasures at her feet, including my 1,200 hectares of forest in Moritzburg."

A modern princess

It sounds tempting, but there is a catch -- as his ex can confirm. The prince wants a girl who'll muck around on the royal estates, a task Diana flatly refused. Like all princesses worth their salt, she preferred shopping.

Another potential hitch? Rüdiger would prefer a local lass. Oh -- and commoners need not apply. "I am looking for a princess to marry, ideally one from Saxony," he explained. But if a suitable German cannot be found from within its aristocratic ranks, he said he'd be willing to seek candidates among Britain's royal set. "The woman of my dreams must be gentle, loving and a loyal companion," he added. "She will be understanding of my forestry work, my social projects and my cultural ambitions."

Spoiled for choice

It's a tall order, but Bild is already fielding responses from willing applicants, even if not all of them quite meet the criteria.

Schwedens Prinzessin Madeleine
Sweden's Princess Madeleine probably isn't interested...Image: AP

"The prince is such a sweetie," starlet Samira told the paper. "I like older men and I fell in love with his blue eyes at first sight." She's no stranger to heartache, either. "Like the prince, I'm getting over a romantic disappointment, so we even have something in common."

Graphic designer Emely has realized it's always worth brushing up on your date's hobbies. "I think he's so manly and mysterious," she said. "I've even bought some books so I can read up on his family background."

But most promising of all is Frederike, a 24-year-old student. "I'm a country girl so I can help him out on his estates. We could go hunting together, I'd look after him and be the perfect wife."