Gauck urges more US effort on refugees – DW – 10/08/2015
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Gauck urges more US effort on refugees

October 8, 2015

German President Joachim Gauck has urged Washington to contribute more to dealing with the Syrian migrant crisis. In talks, Obama was said to have lauded Germany for its approach to the refugee influx.
USA Washington Besuch Joachim Gauck und Obama
Image: Reuters/K. Lamarque

Gauck urges more US commitment in migrant crisis

German President Joachim Gauck has urged Washington to contribute more to dealing with the Syrian migrant crisis. In talks, Obama was said to have lauded Germany for its approach to the refugee influx.

The German head of state on Wednesday called on US President Barack Obama for a greater contribution in dealing with the migrant crisis.

"We would wish that this major humanitarian challenge, which is before us all, will perhaps not only be addressed in Europe, but also beyond that in your country," said Gauck.

"I also have the sincere hope and wish that we may succeed in finding a solution - on the one hand for the people who are fleeing their country, but also a solution to tackle the problem at the root cause."

Gauck, who met Obama at the White House, noted that the situation in Syria in had become "horribly complicated" and that the "necessary diplomatic solutions" to the crisis had still not emerged.

"We described the humanitarian situation as a great threat also for the political stability in Germany," said Gauck, adding that Obama called Germany a "role model in Europe" for the way it had dealt with the migrant crisis.

Big difference in numbers

The US in September said it would take in 10,000 refugees in the next 12 months, after criticism that was failing to respond sufficiently to the migration crisis.

German authorities said earlier on Wednesday said they had registered some 577,000 asylum seekers, about a third of whom claim to be from Syria, in the first nine months of this year.

In his comments, Obama praised Gauck's "clear voice" on a wide range of international issues - from Syria to the Iran nuclear deal.

Gauck's visit to the White House was the first by a German president since 1997, when Roman Herzog met Bill Clinton.

During the talks, the German president was also said to have addressed the NSA spying scandal, talking about the "concerns and fears" of the German population.

rc/jr (dpa, AFP)