EU Seeks to Prevent Iran's Nuclear Program – DW – 05/24/2005
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EU Seeks to Prevent Iran's Nuclear Program

DW staff / AFP (tkw)May 24, 2005

Senior officials from Britain, France and Germany will meet with Iranian counterparts on Tuesday for talks aimed at averting an escalation of a standoff with Tehran over its nuclear programs.
Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plantImage: dpa

The Brussels talks, which aim to prepare the way for negotiations in Geneva on Wednesday, are led on the European Union-side by the trio's foreign ministers and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

"Nobody wants a crisis on our side," said one EU diplomat ahead of the closed-door meetings. "We want the talks to continue."

The so-called EU-3 who represent the full 25-member EU, called the talks after a series of recent threats from Tehran to resume key nuclear activities, in breach of an accord to suspend them last November.

Gentle persuasion

The EU, in contrast to the United States which suspects Tehran of wanting to build nuclear bombs, is seeking to engage the Islamic state, using the carrot of possible trade and other benefits to persuade it to curb its nuclear plans.

Iran Atomanlage in Isfahan Uran
Isfahan uranium conversion facility in central IranImage: AP

But at the same time it has warned Tehran that it could be referred to the UN Security Council -- and into Washington's diplomatic line of fire -- if the talks with the Europeans break down.

"Iran should be in no doubt that any such change to the suspension would be a clear breach of the Paris agreement" of last November, the EU-3 said in a letter to Iran's top negotiator, Hassan Rowhani.

"It would bring the negotiating process to an end," added the letter. "The consequences beyond could only be negative for Iran."

Iran has warned bluntly that the talks are the "last chance" for the Europeans to offer it enough of an incentive to prevent the threatened resumption of uranium enrichment activities.

All eyes on Europe

Ali Agha Mohammadi, spokesman for Iran's Supreme National Security Council said on Monday that the Iranians may not even travel to Geneva if no satisfactory offer is made during talks between experts in Brussels.

"We would reach the conclusion that we haven't got along with them," if they fail, he said.

Bundesaußenminister Joschka Fischer trifft den britischen Amtskollegen Jack Straw
Jack Straw and Joschka Fischer will both attend the talksImage: AP

Speaking on the eve of the talks, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw acknowledged that the meetings in Brussels and Geneva will be difficult -- but he said was nonetheless optimistic.

"The issue before us will be to ensure that both sides stick by the agreements which we have already entered into," Straw said. "I think (the talks) will be tough, but I think very much they will be successful."

Electoral watchdog discounts reformists

Tension with the EU was further fueled on the eve of the talks by the disqualification by Iran's Guardian Council of most pro-reform candidates for June presidential polls.

Jean Asselborn
Luxembourg Foreign Minister and President Jean AsselbornImage: AP

The Council, an unelected watchdog body that vets all candidates for public office, announced on Sunday that just six men out of 1,014 would-be candidates can stand to succeed incumbent reformist President Mohammad Khatami.

"We were very disappointed by the decision of the Guardians Council," said Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, whose country currently holds the EU's rotating presidency.