Improving Ties – DW – 03/15/2007
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Improving Ties

March 15, 2007

Diplomats from the EU and Southeast Asia were expected to issue a statement pledging closer cooperation in security, trade and environmental issues, as they met for talks in Germany.
ASEAN and the EU: Together they represent one-sixth of the world's populationImage: DW

Foreign ministers from the European Union Association of South-East Asian Nations met in the southern German city of Nuremberg to discuss key issues such as security, environment, trade, and human rights.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier opened the meeting by commenting that security and environmental problems confronting the world could not be faced by countries on their own. He was referring to the threats posed by climate change and international terrorism.

Call for cooperation

"The list of future tasks is long, but one thing is clear -- we will only be able to face them if we work together," Steinmeier said. "The era of nation states is over, at least to the extent that none of our countries can solve these problems on its own."

He also called on the two blocs, which are home to about one-sixth of the world's population, to help kick-start stalled World Trade Organization talks.

"Together however we have a huge pool of resources at our disposal," Steinmeier said. "Some 500 million people live in the EU today, 560 million in the ASEAN countries. That is over one billion citizens."

The final Nuremberg Declaration, which is to be signed on the second and final day of the talks that are held every two years, was also expected to make references to human rights and democracy.

ASEAN und EU tagen in Nürnberg
Briefing the media: Steinmeier (r.) and his Indonesian counterpart, Hassan WirayudaImage: AP

Along with the US, the 27-country EU has long criticized ASEAN member Myanmar on its rights record.

The gathering in the southern German city marks a milestone as the partners are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of their relations.

EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said ahead of the meeting that relations between the two regions were "ready to shift up a gear."

Free trade discussions

Although a free trade deal between the EU and ASEAN is not officially on the agenda in Nuremberg, the issue is likely to be raised.

The EU executive, the European Commission, expects to receive a negotiating mandate from member states for a free trade agreement with ASEAN in the next few months.

EU efforts to broker a deal were given fresh impetus when ASEAN nations agreed at a summit in the Philippines in January to create a single market of their members by 2015.

Myanmar problem

Yet it remains unclear how the EU can achieve the delicate balancing act of establishing freer trade links while maintaining its strong stance on Myanmar.

Steinmeier will personally express the European concerns to Myanmar's foreign minister U Nyan Win, diplomats said.

But his message is likely to fall on deaf ears as Myanmar has repeatedly refused to implement reforms demanded by its bigger ASEAN neighbors and continues to keep pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.

Thailand meanwhile is expected to use the meeting to inform the EU how it has emerged from a military coup last September.

ASEAN comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.