Trump projected to win Nevada caucus – DW – 02/24/2016
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Trump projected to win Nevada caucus

February 24, 2016

In the latest contest to select the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump has again emerged as the top contender after polls closed in Nevada. There were some complaints of irregularities at some polling centers.
Donald Trump Fans Nevada USA Wahlkampf
Image: Reuters/J.Young

Tuesday's caucus in Nevada has been called in favor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, with the state's Republican party website declaring the contest for Trump with just shy of 44 percent of the vote.

"If you listen to the pundits, we weren't expected to win too much, and now we're winning, winning, winning the country," Trump said at a victory rally in Las Vegas.

Fellow candidate Marco Rubio, a Senator from Florida, appears to have gotten the upper hand for second place above Texas Senator Ted Cruz, with slightly above 24 percent of the vote to third-placed Cruz's approximately 22 percent. Rounding out the list of Republican presidential candidate nominees in the Nevada caucus are neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Ohio Governor John Kasich with 5 and 4 percent, respectively.

The Nevada State Republican caucus results page said 24.8 percent of the vote had been tallied.

If the results are confirmed, it will be Trump's third victory in a row after primary wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

There were reports of problems at some caucus sites. Users on Twitter reported being turned away from the caucus site at a local school without having the chance to caucus, while others reported people voting multiple times or improper handling of ballots.

The Republican state office said it has received no official complaints.

In response to complaints that some caucus-goers had seen vote counters wearing Donald Trump t-shirts and hats, the state office Tweeted "It's not against the rules for volunteers to wear candidate gear. Volunteers went through extensive training & are doing a great job."

mz/jil (Reuters, AP)