Diendere: 'We are ready to talk' – DW – 09/22/2015
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Diendere: 'We are ready to talk'

Frejus Quenum/ fmSeptember 22, 2015

In an exclusive interview, Burkina Faso's coup leader Gilbert Diendere tells DW he is ready to step down and hand over power to civilian rule. He pledges to respect negotiation efforts by West African leaders.

Burkina Faso Ouagadougou General Gilbert Diendere
Image: picture alliance/Photoshot

General Diendere said he remained president of the military council created by the presidential guard and that the council "remains valid" as the organ governing the country.

DW: Can you confirm that you're still the coup leader as of now?

General Gilbert Diendere: Yes. We are waiting for the resolutions from the ECOWAS meeting anytime from now and we are ready to listen to them.

What do you think of the ultimatum given by the national army?

We are ready to talk with everyone. We are waiting for the ECOWAS feedback.

What do you think of the army's arrival in the capital,Ouagadougou? Are you ready to fight?

No, No, we don't want to fight, it's not the solution. We don't think it can help at all. We are going to start a dialogue and discuss. I think it's good to use that channel to avoid conflict. First of all, we are brothers. It's of no one's interest to fight.

Who are you negotiating with, the army chief Pingrenoma Zagré?

Yes, the army chief of staff, together with other parties within the country.

What is your stand?

We have shown them the commitment to discuss and foster peace in Burkina Faso and we are ready to accept all offers on the table, of course with the support of ECOWAS.

What do you think of those who say that your actions are confusing and that you're the right-hand man of former President Blaise Compaoré?

We're not taking sides. We have links with some people of the former government, just as we have links with people from the former opposition. But our job has nothing to do with what you are saying. It is true that putting us on a side brought the problems. When you look at what is happening across Africa, this is the same problem.

What do you think, especially on the position of the National Council for Democracy (CND)?

On the level of the National Council for Democracy, we think it's better to hand-over to the one who is the choice of civilians. We have no intentions to hold power. We are waiting for practical modalities, so we can handle over the power and go back to military barracks.

And what authority could manage the transition till the end?

It's not up to me to decide on who is to take over. Negotiations are underway with ECOWAS. Politics will take care of that.

General Gilbert Diendere is the coup leader in Burkina Faso.

Interview: Frejus Quenum