Der Gewalt zum Trotz - Vorsichtiger Optimismus am Beginn der Nahost-Gespräche in Washington – DW – 09/02/2010
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Der Gewalt zum Trotz - Vorsichtiger Optimismus am Beginn der Nahost-Gespräche in Washington

VideoassistentenSeptember 2, 2010

#Talks continue today in Washington, aimed at brokering a mideast peace deal - with the Israeli Prime Minister and the Palestinian President holding their first face to face discussions in nearly two years. US President Barack Obama says he's "cautiously hopeful" about the talks, which have been marred by two attacks against Israelis in the West Bank in as many days. +++LM+++ Late Wednesday two Israelis were seriously wounded when gunmen attacked their car near Ramallah. A day earlier - four Israeli settlers were shot dead in the worst attack in the West Bank in four years. +++LMRAUS++ Hamas has claimed responsibility for the shootings, which negotiators in Washington say will not derail the peace talks. +++ MAZ +++